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Okay, I took my crotch-strap-modified Aeris EX100 jacket out for a test dive today. It was a total success! The crotch strap helped lock the BC into place and, on the surface, prevented it from rising when inflated. The shoulder straps stayed snugged nicely in place with no armpit hanging. So, I'm leaving the strap in place.
Exactly the problem I have/had with a back inflate DUI Delta. Due to its geometry, the weighting for my DS, and an AL80, but 23# of lead right on the front of me. It always put me face down. I switched to a SS BP, added cam band weight pockets w/ 2-3# in each pocket, and it solved it...

IIRC, that's roughly a half dozen divers just in this thread who have reported the "fictional" face plant. And also note that all have found the moderation/resolution of the problem to be to relocate weighting to be towards the tank (e.g., cam band pockets, etc).

Okay, I took my crotch-strap-modified Aeris EX100 jacket out for a test dive today. It was a total success! The crotch strap helped lock the BC into place and, on the surface, prevented it from rising when inflated. The shoulder straps stayed snugged nicely in place with no armpit hanging. So, I'm leaving the strap in place.

Glad to hear. I'll have to see if my new Jacket has a D-ring in place in case this ever becomes a problem. Of course, I'll use a strap that's far wider than what my old horse collar had :)

FWIW, anyone have a good source for new horse collars? I'm looking at upgrading my double hose with a Phoenix nozzle to use it with close-in macro photography. Old style backpacks are easily found, but I've not stumbled across new construction horse collars.

Second postscript. :)

Arrived early Saturday for the open water part of my open water cert. Showed my instructor my new BP/W. His reaction: "This is really cool! We'll have you use it on dive four."

Dive four was this morning.

It worked well. I was over-weighted though. At the end of the dive (empty tank) we took the trim weight out and I still sank like a stone with the wing deflated and a normal breath held.

As for the faceplant argument, my experience is limited but the tusa weight-integrated bcd seemed perfectly capable of shoving my face in the water if i relaxed while upright on the surface.

So life is good and now I need to work on my weight/trim/basic skills/everything really. :)

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