lol - I guess after a while the novelty wears off eh and you have days where it does really seem like work! Same dive site again. 100th time that month, different annoying clients! still have to fill cylinders, clean the kit, do some servicing, plan the next day's boat roster... once I've finished having a beer with them and the customers go,.... up at 5am to get back into work and set up the equipment rentals, prepare the boat, check the weather, fax the coastguard... make sure I look bright and fresh when the customers turn up several hours later...
haha. I cant quite really see it in myself though yet, my freshfaced enthusiasm is still too strong.
You've got to
love diving. Otherwise you will burn out.
You'll be diving when your tired, when you're sick, when you're grumpy, when you've got family/relationship problems.... and you have to be professional, friendly, enthusiastic and energetic every second of every day.
There'll be customers that you love. There'll be customers that do nothing but moan. There'll be customers that scare you... or endanger you. You've gotta smile at them helpful and willing.
You'll be diving day-in, day-out... on the same sites. The enthusiasm will run thin. You've got to dig deep inside yourself and remember what you love about the job...and being underwater. You've got to find the motivation inside yourself to wake up every morning before sunrise and be excited about the coming day.
It can be hard..... but if you do
love diving, then you'll have the motivation.
There's been times when I've been absolutely dog-tired, worked 14 days straight, dumped by my girlfriend, not had chance to grab breakfast or lunch, recovering from illness, screwed over by my boss, not an ounce of energy..... but I find the ability to run on pure enthusiasm. I love it.
Whether you love diving that much.... will only become apparant in time.