Are BC dumps really needed?

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Fish, what is going on with no poll? I know you wife was getting after for bothering her and you just posted like a mad man to redirect your activity!

I like using the rear dump on my hip so I don't have to change position in the water.
Fish, what is going on with no poll? I know you wife was getting after for bothering her and you just posted like a mad man to redirect your activity!

I like using the rear dump on my hip so I don't have to change position in the water.

It is called, obsessive compulsive disorder..... If I don't post polls, I start to pick at my zits!!

My face is breaking out pretty bad now, can I start posting polls again??
I think you should post a poll asking if you should post a poll and then maybe give a multiple choice on several topics that you should post a poll on.

Go ahead and pop away. Nobody likes looking at those bad boys and they heal faster if you drain them! Then put some clean and clear on them and wash regularly with it!

By the way how old are you?
My question is, if I have gotten by without using a dump valve much, will I miss it.

Apparently not. I would, but you haven't.
I only use my rear or right shoulder dumps. I never use the hose to dump, much less convienient. Also never use that dump valve, don't like to pull on the hose to dump.
Dump vavles are a must. Reason is simple. As some have already stated...normal position in the water as you expoler is horizontal. To dump effectivly as to not change too much your reach for the rear Dump valve tilt forward pull valve...dump remain horizontal..simple one had operation. No need for the pull on inflator hose or change position and be vertical so the inflator hose is high above your head...

BC jacket with no secondary dump is a problem..what happens if you cannot vent your BC via the inflator hose?....something to think about

what..No POLL! cheesh..:D
Safe dives
If you find yourself using a dump valve enough to remember the last time, you have too much weight on. Even in the butt freeze cold water of California I don't use either the dump valve on the bottom of my BC or the pull valve on the inflation hose. I have my weight figured (including pony bottle and light) for about 30' of depth wearing a 7 mil wet suit. Yea, I have to duck dive to leave surface, but I don't have to add air to my BC during my dive and I have never had an over inflation/rapid ascent.

EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT? EDIT EDIT EDIT EDIT! (Somethimes I'm too mean even for myself)

If you never have a need to release air from your BC, why are you wearing one? According to you, the natural laws of pressure don't apply in your dives.

1- To be properly weighted at 10 FEET, with an almost empty tank, and an empty BC, you will be heavy at the outset of every dive.

2- 7 mil crushes a lot with depth. Deeper you go, the less bouyancy your suit provides. Less inherent bouyancy, means you have to add air to your BC to stay neutral at depth.

3- adding air at depth, means releasing air on the way back up.

Comrade Stroke - FD
BC jacket with no secondary dump is a problem..what happens if you cannot vent your BC via the inflator hose?....something to think about

Safe dives

That's what the diving knives are for... :eyebrow:
I am a practical person... the less the better. The plus I see is less moving parts, less problems, less complications. I have done without a dump valve before, and probably wouldn't miss it.

I agree, I avoid BCs with extra junk like padding and cummerbunds.

Can you tell me where you find it beneficial to have it?? If so, which position do you like it best?

Right shoulder is ideal for almost everytime you need to get rid of air. It's faster than raising a hose and on a well designed BC, it dumps when you are vertical or horizontal. In rare situations a bottom dump is nice to have.
By the way how old are you?

Geesh, now you got my obsessive mind going.... Don't ever ask a paranoid person a personal question...

43, and I feel like 65 after doing just 16 laps in the pool... The old ladies were swimming circles around me...

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