Aquarena Springs

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I just got back this afternoon from completing my two-day Scientific Diving course at Aquarena Springs, and I had a blast! It was a lot of fun. We did three dives over the two days, two on Saturday and one this morning. Beforehand, we had some classroom time with the instructor, who is also the diving supervisor at Aquarena Center. She is an excellent instructor and is very thorough and professional about the course. I learned a lot of interesting information about the aquifer that forms the San Marcos River and Aquarena Springs.

The first dive was a buoyancy drill through an obstacle course, which seemed easy on paper, but was more difficult than it looked. I finally got through it, but having been out of the water for two months, my skills showed definite rust. Even though it's fresh water, Spring Lake still has some minerals that give it a salt water buoyancy, which is why I had to add 4 pounds of weight to my BCD. The second dive got us out into the Lake itself, which was beautiful, even though it is extremely shallow (only 30 feet maximum depth). In places, the water is as clear as the Caribbean. It's also fascinating to watch the bottom "boil" from the springs underneath. One place is called Cream Of Wheat, and it really does look like it! I took some pictures of it, and I really hope they came out.

On a side note, as a visitor to Aquarena Springs in my much younger days, it is rather sad to see the place look as delapidated as it does. Still, the work being done there is fantastic and I look forward to doing some volunteer work there next year. By the way, in order to dive in Spring Lake, you must complete the course...otherwise, you can only dive in the area where the old Submarine Theater is located.

I hope to have some pictures to show when I get them developed.

Ken :)
I would love to do the dives there, but the course is $$$$. Seems like you are paying them so that you can work. I know it's for a good cause, but how 'bout trading the training for the work?

Donations anyone?* (Send Seal through the course).

*All donations are greatly appreciated, not tax deductible, and will go to the edification and preservation of divers and the environment.

I wanna go!

Way to go Ken, wish I had been there!
Hi Ken, I 'graduated' from the Aquarena Springs Scientific Diving course mid-Sept 2002, and had a lot of fun too!
True, parts of the facility are a bit run down, but overall it's still clean, scenic, and quiet...pretty much had the place to ourselves. ( 7 students, all from Burleson Scuba, in my class).

The only thing that tripped me up during the obstacle course was lifting that very heavy brake-rotor across that plastic grid......I managed it eventually but I touched the bottom with my knees, so I 'blew' that stunt.

Like you, we had 3 official dives, plus I squeezed in a 4th dive solo, as on Sunday afternoon I wasn't ready to leave when everyone else did (although that 4th dive was limited to the "submarine area").

In some ways the 4th dive was the most interesting, as the fish 'adopted' me as one of their own and swam along with me......I was the center of the 'school'.......which was unexpected, as I would have thought the fish would be afraid of divers, or ignore divers since these wild fish don't associate divers with food....but the fish seemed very interested in 'pacing' me....station keeping with me like a convoy of ships!

I also plan to volunteer to do 'work' there.......sealskin98, don't worry, I saw other divers 'working' me, it isn't exactly a sweat contribute a modest amount of dive time to various simple tasks, and the rest of the dive time is playtime!

The $200 fee entitles you to free return essentially you are getting a lifetime membership for $ they give free air fills many dive sites offer that sort of deal?

For the sake of appearances, divers must donate a bit of work, as this area is home to several federally protected endangered species...and normally the feds wouldn't allow divers anywhere near the springs, but an exemption has been made for 'scientific divers' Bridget keeps logs of diver activity to prove the springs aren't just one big playground, but that legitimate scientific activities are being long as that's the case, the feds look the other way, so to speak, at sightseeing and other 'non-productive' activities.

I doubt Aquarena Springs is making big bucks off the site......and I believe Bridget said the university requires the site to be financially self-sufficient, so they can really use the money to keep the place going...and my impression is Bridget really cares about the springs and is very proud of her achievements your $200 is going to a worthy cause!

scubafanatic once bubbled...
The only thing that tripped me up during the obstacle course was lifting that very heavy brake-rotor across that plastic grid......

The brake-rotor got me too....I accidently dropped it on my first try and was admonished for it. The second time, I tried to swim across too fast, but the third time, I did okay.

Bridget does a wonderful job there and she has every right to be proud of her work. I was very impressed with her enthusiasm and look forward to working with her again, probably in the spring.
Man, I'm gonna have to do it. I'm waiting to hear anyone complain about the diving - so far nothing but how much everyone's enjoyed it.

Hey Karl - I'm a Burleson Scuba Alumni too!!!
scubafanatic once bubbled...

The $200 fee entitles you to free return essentially you are getting a lifetime membership for $ they give free air fills many dive sites offer that sort of deal?
I think I remember making some rattlin' noises about the price sometime in the distant past, forgot about the free diving. If you were close enough to go enough the outlay would re-pay pretty quickly.

Liftime? Hmm, didn't realize that. The course and the "work" would be something I am very interested in, even though the trips would be sporadic at best. Getting the time and the money to do the course may be something to look at. *

*All donations are greatly appreciated and not tax deductible. :D
what was the vis. and temp. there?
sealskin98 once bubbled...
what was the vis. and temp. there?

VIS: 50-60 feet (can get all the way to 100 on really good days)

TEMP: 70 degrees, year-round

I wore my 5mm simply because this is December, but in the summer, you could get by with a 3mm

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