Our friend has a fair point, with the above snippet. I did share in the "ill-gotten gains." While there is a long history on several continents of "whistleblower" lawsuits and claims I could refer you to, let me simply post below what I wrote to PADI in my original complaint.
Finally, I must admit I am culpable in this false advertising in that I was the one who physically made changes to the websites and maintained them. However, as noted, I’m not a PADI member, I’m a very minor owner in the company and Smith is the founder and managing director. Thus, I was in many ways just an employee who was doing what he was told. The decisions behind these allegations came from Smith and he always had the final word and decision. ...
So is this complaint self-serving? Yes. Hypocritical? Maybe so. In need of remedy? Absolutely. No matter what you think of me or my role in all of this, these allegations are true, can be proved beyond the documentation provided here and absolutely must be addressed.
A fair and honest reply, and I can respect that. Finally, would you accept that although the business practices of Aquanauts may have fallen below acceptable standards, the standards of diver training and safety practiced on the boat were, at the very least, acceptable?
---------- Post added March 23rd, 2013 at 10:11 PM ----------
Rather than repeat myself I'll just refer you back to my post #16, page 2, first line.Whatever his reasons for posting, they were expelled from PADI. And you can try to deflect, that does not change this single and most important fact of the OP. Whether he dives or not, whether there were issues between him and one of the expelled members has really no relevance on the expulsion.