Tripod:Hey all
I'm kind of a newbie. I was OW cert years ago and have just recently got the itch to start diving again and wanted to buy my own equipment. I've read a lot of the threads and everyone seems to have their own preferences for regs. I have narrowed my decision down the aqualung line and was trying to decide between the titan and legend. The legend costs like 200 bux more and if it's worth it, i'd be willing to bite the bullet and pay more for quality. With the recent deal with a free octo, i am pretty much set on one of those 2 regs. thanks in advance
The Titan is very reliable, will take a eating and (I'm told) is easy to service. They use Titans for rental a lot for this reason. It's a good quality reg that can last almost forever.
The legend has near effortles breathing while the Titan you have to suck on it a little once you get down to about 80 feet or so. Not that it's bad but the difference is noticeable. The Legend is more complex to service but who cares unless you run a rental outfit.
Technically what's the difference. On the Titan you suck on it which pulls the diaphram inward which pushs a lever which opens a valve that lets in air. On the Legend the lever is much more finely tuned and you suck much less to pull in the diaphram. (many details glossed over)
If you are going to dive a lot and can afford it get the Legend. On the other hand if you are going to dive a LOT you will have use for more than one reg so get both. One now one later.