Aqualung Blades II

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Reaction score
Irvine, CA USA
Anyone know if the Aqualung Blades II fins are any good? Currently, I'm using the mare's plana avanti. Wondering if I should upgrade. Would the AL Blades give me more speed underwater?
Excellent fins,

after the nuclear holocaust, there will be cockroaches and aqualung blades, they are virtually indestructable. I used a pair on a daily basis and they lasted over five years. Yep, count em over 1500 dives...
"I used a pair on a daily basis and they lasted over five years. Yep, count em over 1500 dives..."

I think he's talking about the new Blade II's, which replaced the venerable Aqualung Blades. I used the original Blades and loved them, but I've heard nothing but criticism for the Blade II's.
"I used a pair on a daily basis and they lasted over five years. Yep, count em over 1500 dives..."

I think he's talking about the new Blade II's, which replaced the venerable Aqualung Blades. I used the original Blades and loved them, but I've heard nothing but criticism for the Blade II's.
My mistake, I havent seen the new ones,
I have a pair that I learned to dive with. First, you'll be wanting to trash those stupid quick release thingys with either spring straps or regular straps, because they WILL get caught on something underwater and release themselves. Kelp is especially good at removing them when you least expect it. As far as the fins, they work. I also have a pair of Volo Powers that I won in a drawing, and I use them almost exclusively now. They are much faster with the same amount of work than the Blades II. The difference of course is price. Since you're in SoCal, check out Sport Chalet. They have the Blades on sale for $60, whereas the Volo Powers are more like $180.
I think he's talking about the new Blade II's, which replaced the venerable Aqualung Blades. I used the original Blades and loved them, but I've heard nothing but criticism for the Blade II's.
- Chris
I just wondering like what criticism you are talking about, because I am also planning to buy this fins for they are cheap unlike mares Advanti and Volo fins.

Jimmy T.
FWIW, here's Rodale's review of the Blade II's from July 2002:

Aqua Lung's Blades II is a total redesign of its popular and highly rated Blades fin. Unfortunately, the new combination of polymer plastic and rubber construction found in the Blades II results in what is described as a too-stiff fin with a too-soft foot pocket. Based on test results, this is not a good combination if you're striving for performance.With a fin blade built on top of the foot pocket, the Blades II earns middle-of-the-road scores for speed and alternate kicks, and only marginal scores for efficiency. It takes a lot of effort to move through the water with this fin. It kicks hard and puts undue strain on ankles. In real-world diving, sharp turns and small maneuvers prove difficult with the Blades II, especially for macro photographers. One test diver's comment, "As responsive as a two-by-four," about sums it up.The fin did earn respectable scores in comfort; however, some female divers needed to cinch down hard on even the smallest size to achieve a decent fit. Although it received the second most votes for worst buckles, test divers liked the strap's adjustment button and the large strap tab, which made it easy to don and doff the fin in the water.
go with what you know
knowing that, i'd recomend mares plana avanti quatro, i went up from the regular plana avanti's, if i ever ware these out i'll get enother pair
i've tried lots of others, found these to be the best for me

I'll just add a couple of things to this:

- Rodales reviews are notoriously corrupt. A bad review can mean nothing more than that Aqualung didn't pay Rodales enough for a good review.

- I made 2 or 3 hundred dives with the Blades II and I like mine a lot. I recognise nothing of the criticism I'm hearing and I suspect that the most vocal critics have either never tried them or have poor finning technique that gets exacerbated by a long stiff fin.

- I agree with the citicism of the straps. The straps suck and there is a high potential for them to open under water (I've seen this happen). I put spring straps on mine and imo it was a major improvement.

As usual it's a personal thing and the only real proof you'll get is to try them yourself and see how they work for you.


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