OP is correct. Actually DOT has condemned that cylinder... Owning two, mine will be heading to the scrap yard when a favorable aluminum price hits....
Yep, show us the link where DOT condemns that cylinder. I'll show you the link where Bill High of PSI PCI discusses the subject. Pay close attention to the first sentence of paragraph four - it applies to you: PSI-PCI - Cracking and Ruptures of SCBA and SCUBA Aluminum Cylinders (Made from 6351 Alloy)
"Along with the wave of concern over cylinder failures has come a great deal of misinformation spread by inaccurate reports on the Internet, in newspapers and trade journals, as well as word-of-mouth rumors."
If you were stating your opinion as fact to customers the middle of paragraph nine in this report (by the same author) would apply:http://www.psicylinders.com/inspectors/library/18-a-short-review-of-6351-alloy-aluminum-cylinders
"Others state that the cylinder must be condemned outright. Such statements border on fraud and it is illegal to condemn a cylinder without proof that it is damaged beyond allowable limits."