Location: White Rock Pinnacle
Time 0941
Air Temp: 65
Surface Temp: 58F
Bottom Temp: 52F
Max Depth: 118
Avg Depth: 60
Gas: EAN29
Dive Time: 48 minutes
Location: Bufadora Kelp beds
Time: 11:35
Air Temp 68
Surface Temp 59F
Bottom Temp 51F
Max Depth 60ft
Avg Depth 37ft
Gas: EAN32
Dive time: 38 minutes
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As it was Sean's birthday, we HAD to go diving. All other options seemed ludicrous. Because of the sketchy conditions here, the decision was made to head down Mexico way to try our luck at the off shore pinnacles at La Bufadora. Plans were carefully made and the logistics were all in place, then they went out the window and the adventure began. Leaving the US just slightly behind schedule but with insurance in hand, we headed south....quickly. It was a beautiful morning for a drive and Sean brought coffee so all was good. Even with the delay in departure, we still arrived right on time and loaded the boat into the water. Dale waved goodbye and good luck as we motored into the calm bay. Gone were the huge swells from our last trip here and the crossing to White Rock was smooth and easy. So easy in fact that even Pukey Pup didn't get sick. Things were looking promising for this attempt.
We arrived in short order at the sight. White rock is just off the coast and quite popular with the local sea birds...thus the name. Gear on and ready to go, Sean and buddied up and Tyler and Paul were team two. We discussed the profile, the hazards and having completed our final checks we rolled off the sides of the boat and into the cool water. Smiling, we slipped beneath the calm ocean surface, the silence closing off the chaos of the everyday grind. Like a cool sheet it enveloped us, drawing us down and down and into its embrace.
OK enough of the waxing poetic. Here's how is went! As we made our way down got dark. Not just dim, DARK. NO LIGHT at all from the surface. FINALLY could see the bottom from about 5 ft up. Oh, and it was cold. Even dry, I could tell it was cold by my stinging cheek bones. But hey, the life was EVERYWHERE. Because it was basically a night dive, all the night stuff was out. Cowries were everywhere and the mantles fully unfurled. Brittle Stars moved at a speed that always amazes me. Giant sun stars marauded across the landscape. Oh and there were nudibranchs....everywhere. We spotted 8 different species on the dives. A couple I still need to look in the book to find but we saw Mexichromis, San diego, T. Catalinae, Albopunctatus, Hermissenda, Flavomaculata, and more and more. Fish were a big scarce. We did see some ling cod, rockfish and sheep head. Truly a nice dive in the dark.
Second dive we opted to move back to the kelp bed inside the cove. The swell was growing and we did have a fair amount of surge on the first dive so opted for the more protected kelp bed. After much fun discussing dive plumbing and the proper way to purge the ummmmm....residual fluid from said system, we again suited up. Our loan wet diver was less than enthusiastic at the prospect of getting back into his cold wetsuit. It's a nice suit that keeps him warm at depth but we have all pulled on wet neoprene after a sunless chilly surface interval and it is never a fun thing.
Once in the water we followed the kelp down through the soup to the bottom at 60ft. This site reminds me a lot of the Three Fingers area, we similar structure and life. We spotted few fish here as well but if you like cowries, this is where they all seem to be. We found them crammed into nearly every nook and cranny. Sometimes as many as 15-20 in a small crevice. Strange but beautiful cucumbers in reads and golds, their lacy tentacles flowing the current and then drawing the collected nutrients into their mouths. Hermit crabs disappeared quickly into their homes as we approached but would re emerge given time and patience.
But it was COLD. Soon the chill over came the joy and we headed up the line and back to the boat. The sun had come out so we warmed quickly as we motored back in. Loading gear into the boat, we swapped the standard" did ya see's" and "what'd ya see's"
We were all starving at this point so we headed to our favorite taco stand for some carne asada and carnitas and sodas. 6 tacos, two Pepsi <$5. Gotta love it.
We headed out but we got separated when I stopped to fill up. I have almost no sense of direction so before long Sean and I were wandering around Ensenada. Sean's limited Spanish skills got us back on track and we headed light the proverbial Bat outta Hades for the border. I really wanted to get there quickly because I really enjoy the 2.5-3 hour wait to cross over. I was not disappointed this time as they had closed the San Yisedro crossing entrance and we were re-routed to Otay. I thought for sure Paul and Tyler would be waiting at my house but as it turns out they didn't cross over until nearly1.5 hours later. We were all exhausted and although the plan was go buy Sean a couple beverages, it would have to be another day.
It was an adventure and a please diving and driving with "the Crew" We will do it again soon
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"It's a good day to Dive."