appreciating the simpler things.

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had a good day of diving today. it wasn't anywhere fancy, just the local dive site about 90 minutes away. the dive profile itself is simple - max depth about 15M, couple minutes shy of 1 hr bottom-time (w/safety stop) for both dives.

what made it special was - i got to dive :D , and i saw couple of neat things - a small school of batfish, 2 lionfish, a thumbsize yellow boxfish playing hind and seek with us under a plate coral, a small school of juvie barracuda, a 1M napoleon wrasse, and a seasnake.

i woulda been happy just to be able to see the shrimp goby with 2 shrimps :eek:ut: but got a pleasant reward, instead.

anyways, thought to share this with you guys. sometimes even the simpler dives give a lot of pleasure.
I look out my window and see snow covered ground. I wish I could appreciate a "simple" dive right now. I hope you realize how lucky you are.
its time to hit the local quarry or whatever is in your area:)

Don't let a little snow deter you:wink:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ice cold water, crappy visibility and next to nothing to look at just doesn't float my boat! You guys are welcome to it! I'll wait for the Caymans in January.
Boys, I know what your talking about. I just got back from a 46 min. dive here in Upstate N.Y. The water was 37 at 122', and 41 at the surface. I dove with a very talented guy in a wet suit, and his friend. Sufice to say his hands were numb when he got out. I enjoy diving with him emmensely, however his days are numbered this winter, it's obviously hard for him, he's 52. I think of all the dives we did this year, it's hard to think I'll be going alone most of the time until spring, I'll miss him. It seems we take lots of things for granted until their gone! Make the most of it folks, time is short. Happy Hollidays All.................
Tim Ingersal
I dove the ocean a number of times. I'm well aware that fresh water is different. Winter diving here is the ultimate vis, nobody is there before you to screw things up! No boats, or freakin jet skis to dodge, and you have your pick of parking spots! Yes it can be cold, even dry at times, but I'm convinced it's worth it. The conditions are very different in the winter. The mountain of experience you gain in the cold, current, and personal ability exceeds most summer dives as a challenge goes. I like the Carribean as well, but I won't pass this by....
The more I read here, the more I'm convinced I have to learn to dive dry.
I am happy to simply be underwater... everyone is different in that regard... some folks need different things to keep their interest up while diving... for me just being underwater is enough... everything else is a bonus.
Winter diving can be the best. Great vis, no crowds.

The only downside is that we get blown out more often and there are fewer boats. But what can you do?
I would have to agree with a few people here..I love just being underwater.

I was at a dinner a few nights ago and my girlfriend and I were talking about our upcoming blackbeard's trip. Someone I sortof knew spoke up and said she was a diver too. She said that once I go diving in the tropics I'll never dive anywhere else again...I started laughing! She asked me what I thought was so funny....she had this perspective on diving that it is something to do while you are on look at diving as the reason to go somewhere on vacation. I love diving. I'm obsessed. I go on dives in little 15 acre 30ffw lakes where the only thing to see is the anchor some guy dropped 10 years ago.

There is nothing like blowing bubbles....I can't wait for the next time.

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