Question Apeks XTX50 vs Dive Rite XT2

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Hello everyone,

I was at my lds yesterday learning about regulators. I'm a new diver about to start my OW training. I'm trying to ensure advice I am given is sound as I start my learning and into the hobby. I don't mind spending more on quality or features that will likely be helpful now and in the future.

A balanced diaphragm type was suggested since I'll be mainly diving in colder water in Ohio and the surrounding area.

They are selling a Dive Rite XT2 package for $750. Or I can get an Apeks XTX50 setup using an egress octopus for about $200-250 more.

One person said that the fit and finish and machining of the Dive Rites aren't to the quality of the Apeks. Its especially noticed when servicing them. Is this accurate? Is the Apeks a better regulator overall and worth the extra money in the long term? Especially since they have a parts for life policy on it.

The dive rite uses matching XT2 regs for the setup. As I research, I've seen many setups using matching 2nd stages. What are the pros and cons of this? Many features of the egress for an octopus that were explained to me seems smart and helpful for buddy use. Things like the angle the air line attaches, that it can be used in any configuration as there is no right side up unlike a standard 2nd stage. Is this accurate sound advice? does t come down to preference?

Thank you.
the egress octo while somewhat better than most other LPO is still not great

go full size with the dive rite or haggle with the LDS. the atx40 octo is roughly the same MSRP and you should be able to haggle for at least 10% off the xtx50/dst with an atx40. you can then add the knob to the atx40 later on to take it up to an atx50. they can also get creative and give you store credit back for other stuff like fills, trips, other equpment, etc to make the sale on the apeks if you can manage to wrangle a bigger discount.
Hello everyone,

I was at my lds yesterday learning about regulators. I'm a new diver about to start my OW training. I'm trying to ensure advice I am given is sound as I start my learning and into the hobby. I don't mind spending more on quality or features that will likely be helpful now and in the future.

A balanced diaphragm type was suggested since I'll be mainly diving in colder water in Ohio and the surrounding area.

They are selling a Dive Rite XT2 package for $750. Or I can get an Apeks XTX50 setup using an egress octopus for about $200-250 more.

One person said that the fit and finish and machining of the Dive Rites aren't to the quality of the Apeks. Its especially noticed when servicing them. Is this accurate? Is the Apeks a better regulator overall and worth the extra money in the long term? Especially since they have a parts for life policy on it.

The dive rite uses matching XT2 regs for the setup. As I research, I've seen many setups using matching 2nd stages. What are the pros and cons of this? Many features of the egress for an octopus that were explained to me seems smart and helpful for buddy use. Things like the angle the air line attaches, that it can be used in any configuration as there is no right side up unlike a standard 2nd stage. Is this accurate sound advice? does t come down to preference?

Thank you.

Hmmm that is a tricky one...

Only because you are located in the US I would lean towards Dive Rite or look at Deep 6.

Personally I like and dive the original Apeks but that is just me. World wide Apeks and ScubaPro (and Poseidon) are pretty much the gold standard for high performance regs.

Full disclaimer I am not a DR expert but I have rebuild a couple of them so I am fairly familiar with the guts. Basically Apeks is the gold standard for diaphragm regs and there are now well over a dozen companies are making knock off of the Apeks reg in Taiwan including DR yes Dive Right regs are made in Taiwan not the US. Apeks regs are still fully made in the UK (obviously the raw material is not but there regs are full machined and built in the UK)

From memory the XT1 is almost an identical knock off of the Apeks DST but it has an extra sealing ring that sits on top of the diaphragm and the HP "cone" is removable/replaceable where as the Apeks is just built into the body. Now the reason I suggested DR or Deep 6 in the US is because of serviceability. You will find it much easier to get part and service for DR and Deep 6 regs in the US than Apeks (Apeks just never really took off in the US and it is very expensive the US as well) But if you have a local dive shop that has Apeks it not really an issue for you. However world wide (I travel alot!!) outside the US I can confirm that Apeks and SP are by far much easier regs to get parts and service for and if you are in the US you can just order service kits from EU and service your self (I love how simple and quick it is to service Apeks regs). DR and Deep 6 would be very very difficult to find overseas.

Sorry not really a direct answer to you question but hope it leads you in the right direction.
I have been diving apeks xtx100 setup and apeks xtx50 setup. I would not change them for anything. I service them myself and have never had a problem at all. They preform flawlessly everytime. Getting parts kits are tricky sometimes. I'm in ontario and all i see here are diverite, aqualung and apeks.
I'm pretty new to diving, and was in your position 2 years ago. I love researching gear in my other pursuits (mountain biking, backpacking, guitars), and jumping into scuba was no different. I ultimately ended up with the DR XT1/XT2 streamlined OW package from DGX. At the time, price was an issue for me as I was purchasing a set for myself and my son, and I couldn't see paying out the extra $400 or more for other regs. I have no complaints as to the quality or ease of use of the regs, although all I have to compare them to are the regs I rented when certifying and a few dives shortly thereafter (mainly Scubapro MK10 and MK17--Dive Rite breathes as easily of any of the setups I rented). They breathe well, can be serviced locally, and I've had no issues to speak of thus far.
You probably can't go wrong with either choice you've listed, you'll find mostly favorable reviews for both.
I'm pretty new to diving, and was in your position 2 years ago. I love researching gear in my other pursuits (mountain biking, backpacking, guitars), and jumping into scuba was no different. I ultimately ended up with the DR XT1/XT2 streamlined OW package from DGX. At the time, price was an issue for me as I was purchasing a set for myself and my son, and I couldn't see paying out the extra $400 or more for other regs. I have no complaints as to the quality or ease of use of the regs, although all I have to compare them to are the regs I rented when certifying and a few dives shortly thereafter (mainly Scubapro MK10 and MK17--Dive Rite breathes as easily of any of the setups I rented). They breathe well, can be serviced locally, and I've had no issues to speak of thus far.
You probably can't go wrong with either choice you've listed, you'll find mostly favorable reviews for both.
Thank you. As you can tell I like to research everything. Especially when making such an investment.

When I took my discover scuba class, the instructor was surprised and impressed saying I knew what I was doing as I setup the gear, put it on, and then how I did the arm sweep to retrieve my regulator etc. I replied no im just a newbie but Ive been researching and trying to learn as much as I could as I looked into the hobby.

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