apeks regulator

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Longueuil, Québec, Canada
# of dives
500 - 999

for sidemount, what apeks first stage regulator have the best routing?

ds4, dst, tek 3?

some said me then tek 3 is better for double.

i have the fsr and is not top for sidemount.
There's a sidemount package...
But what he said, DST is the way to go.
FST is usable, but I wouldn't recommend it, especially without the 5th port.
negative, they are pretty strict with their pricing. Usually not much more money to buy sets than it is to buy first stages separately, especially a pair of them...
If you are on a tight budget. You can try an alternative like the HOG D3 Hog D3 Regulator Set - Dive Right in Scuba or D1 Hog D1 Regulator Set - Dive Right in Scuba
They have a fan base here on SB, just search the threads and see :D. I have a couple and they work great.

The HOGs come with standard 5th ports.
The D3 swivels 360º unlike the DST's and D1's where the turret rotation is limited by the LP hose hitting the DIN handwheel. Just a minor annoyance and not really critical.
the dst come automatically with the swivel turret?

same strange routing for a sidemount

yes, the DST has the turret, otherwise it would be a DS4.

I agree that the DST is the best option of the ones you listed. I would add that the tek3 is the worst option as the hose routing doesn't work for sidemount at all.

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