Apeks Egress

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Anyone have any info about the performance of the Apeks Egress?
It's a LPO modified to fit with overbalanced regs like apeks. The hose is angled 120 degree to make it easier on your buddy. It doesn't have a so-called "right side up" so you can place it anyhow you want. It also has two blue "egress" printed on the top beside the word "apeks" which makes it look somewhat better then a standard LPO. For some reason, however, it looks AWEFULLY similar to the new Aqualung ABS.........
The LPO is already balanced. It is the ABS that is not balanced and thus cannot accomodate over balanced first stages. The egress is the exact same as the LPO except with Apeks tags on it. The LPO (i assume performs similar to the egress) breathes better than most octos in its class that i have tried.
But the egress (last I heard) was recalled before it was released to undergo further modifications.
Eh, no. The LPO is most definitely unbalanced. It's a downstream designs that breaths like crap mostly due to it's very small diaphram and very high-pitched lever.

The LPO is already balanced. It is the ABS that is not balanced and thus cannot accomodate over balanced first stages. The egress is the exact same as the LPO except with Apeks tags on it. The LPO (i assume performs similar to the egress) breathes better than most octos in its class that i have tried.
But the egress (last I heard) was recalled before it was released to undergo further modifications.

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