Apeks DS4 For single tank rec use...

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Just moved to Louisiana
First of all, I attempted searching the archives, but my questions still weren't answered. I'm looking at getting a new regulator, and I'm eyeing the Apeks ATX-50. I'd like to get 2 identical second stages so the primary and backup are the same... I'll likely rig them Hogarthian eventually, breathing from the long hosed with a necklaced back-up, but that's now my question.

Anyway, I know the tech guys really seem to like the DS4 first stage on doubles. I like the idea of no swivel/turret as this is a theoretical failure point, and being a dry sealed diaphragm seems like a good idea (I attend college in southern Maine :moose: .). But will the hose routing be favorable when used on a single? I know there are only 4 lp ports and one hp. Let's see... Primary, backup, bcd inflator, drysuit... that's all of them! Oh, I don't dive dry yet. And finally, does the DS4 perform as well as the newest Apeks first stage designs?

Thanks all of you friendly ScubaBoarders, and DSAO,

I am new to diving so you might want a more experienced perspective. I just purchased the DS4 for rec. diving thinking that if I ever grow into more advanced activities I wouldn't have to start from ground zero. Also, I wanted a cold water regulator. I am using the atx50 and atx40 octo in the standard rec config. Long term I would like to try the long-hose routing as well.

Anyway, I have only used the set up once but I really enjoyed it and have not regrets. I did try an ATX-50 first stage prior to purchasing the DS4. The DS4 set up breaths really nice to me, but then I don't have a lot to compare it too except some older rental regs. I notice no difference between the two (ATX-50 and DS4) and I would guess that "I" wouldn't notice a difference between the DS4, ATX100, ATX200. Perhaps the deep divers could comment on any performance differences they have realized.

Oh, yea... I didn't see any advantage to having the swivel. You can still turn your head only so far before you feel the hose pulling back. So, as you said, seems like a potential failure point with nothing to gain (unless you want 2 high pressure ports).

No issues for me with the routing- port location.

But will the hose routing be favorable when used on a single? I know there are only 4 lp ports and one hp. Let's see... Primary, backup, bcd inflator, drysuit... that's all of them! Oh, I don't dive dry yet. And finally, does the DS4 perform as well as the newest Apeks first stage designs?

All Apeks 1st stages I tried can be used for diving singles and twins. No problems with hoses routing.

Brething performance is pretty similar for all Apeks regulators I tried (TX50, TX100, ATX200). I must admit that I feel almost no difference.

BTW Swivel as point of failure ? Theoretical.
First of all, I attempted searching the archives, but my questions still weren't answered. I'm looking at getting a new regulator, and I'm eyeing the Apeks ATX-50. I'd like to get 2 identical second stages so the primary and backup are the same... I'll likely rig them Hogarthian eventually, breathing from the long hosed with a necklaced back-up, but that's now my question.

Anyway, I know the tech guys really seem to like the DS4 first stage on doubles. I like the idea of no swivel/turret as this is a theoretical failure point, and being a dry sealed diaphragm seems like a good idea (I attend college in southern Maine :moose: .). But will the hose routing be favorable when used on a single? I know there are only 4 lp ports and one hp. Let's see... Primary, backup, bcd inflator, drysuit... that's all of them! Oh, I don't dive dry yet. And finally, does the DS4 perform as well as the newest Apeks first stage designs?

Thanks all of you friendly ScubaBoarders, and DSAO,


Firstly, the difference between the 50 and the 40 is the addition of a knob on the side so you can adjust resistance. You can *also* adjust it on the 40, but you need a hex key (ie. no knob). I find no advantage of the 50 over the 40 - and I own both. The difference between the 50 & 100/200 second stage is the addition of a larger heat exchanger. Good if you are ice diving, but I've had my tx40/tx50 down to 4 degrees C with no problems.
So, I advocate save your cash and buy atx (or tx) 40 second stages.

As far as I know, (Im not an apeks tech), there is no internal or
performance difference between the ds4 and atx100 first stages. There is an external difference in that the atx100 first stage has a swivel. I don't own one, so I cant comment much expect to say it's probably mostly personal preference. Also, the ds4 is cheaper.

okay, there are only 4 lp ports. On a single, you use them all. What else are you going to add? What else can you add? The only thing I can think of is adding a lp inflator to inflate an SMB - but you can use your alternate for that. Also remember that if you are so worried about failure points - more lp ports = more failure points.

As far as hose routing, I found no problem with a single. two lp on rhs - two second stages. two on left - bc & ds inflators. hp on left - spg. (btw, as far as I know the DS4's have 2 HP ports - mine do).
Short answers to your two questions:

Yes. Yes.
yes all the regs are the same internally. the heat exchangers are not larger they only have more fins on them. And yes the 40 can be adjusted with the 6mm hex key. It doesn't quite have the range of the knob but each to his own. As far as performance between the 50 and 40 you will be glad when you get under the ice (or very cold water) and you and dial down your 50 because it is freeflowing slightly on the loosest adjustment. (happened to me). I have seen the swivel "fail" once although not on a dive. The nut just came loose. Anyways i would think that your better off with the 50 and like many others i chose the DS4 over the DST but only because it is lower in profile. I am not completely so on "theoretical" failure points. and since we are comparing.... yes i am an apeks tech.
Thanks everyone, the response of this board is wonderful. What I really liked (and forgot) about the DS4 was the standard lp port size- 5/8". I really didnt want to be plugging a 3/4" port so that I could use standard hoses. So DS4 is it than... any reason not to? Oh, and will my LDS look at me like I'm a nut when I want a 1st stage that doesnt swivel? Ah, well it's my (well-informed) choice, not theirs...


No they don't. :) Not if it's a DS4. It might be a DST, they have two HP ports, but a DS4 only has one HP port. I've got both.

good point, my bad. Im getting confused with DS4 & DST.

As far as the "larger heat exchanger" - more fins = more surface area = larger heat exchanger..

(ok, maybe Im reaching - I know).

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