For clarification purpose, the title of this thread is a little open ended as one particular reg may or may not suit a particular rebreather. As I currently only dive a eCCR and not a mCCR or hCCR, I think its fair to clear the air that each diver choosing to use a different regulator from that which was originally supplied by the manufacture should understand the implications of using such regulator and its fit for the type of rebreather they use (deviation from a CE for insurance purposes).
Many, if not most, manufactures take the safe road avoiding legal risks by stating their regs are 40% Nitrox rated and not 100% O2 compatible due to so many variables involved, often even if they are using O2 compatible parts. And the beauty of todays market, compared to the 1960's, is we have ample selection giving us features we may or may not want with regulators e.g., enviro sealed or pink or black for a color. I recall reading one person on SB that uses Poseidon Xstream's with his CCR, perhaps for depth?? Without looking into this regulator model, it may or may not be suited for a particular CCR let alone O2.
My question to
@formernuke was as to why Balanced Diaphragm regulators were not suitable or compatible for O2? I was curious if a particular study covered this. What I have gathered from various responses, within this thread, is It's not that Balanced Diaphragm regs aren't compatible with O2, it's that for most mCCR's type units there may be higher risks of increased O2 being flowed into the system where blocking a reg may mitigate this risk. (Please Correct me if I'm wrong).
As for my eCCR, using Halcyon HD-50 regs, w/ adjusted IP, for 100% O2 has never produced an undesirable outcome for my diving down to 60m. My eCCR also has MAVs and with proper monitoring of PPO2 I have never noticed a concerning sharp increase of PO2 into the loop from use of HD-50 regs. (This is probably where most disclaimers are put in by legal teams). Results may vary depending on the idiot lol.
Thanks for everyones input. I'm glad I rekindled the thread a few days ago.
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