Boogie711:Henry, I'm happy for you. But in all honesty - no. I think they're silly. You paid a huge premium on what is nothing more than an ATX200 with a paint job.
Sorry dude - I put Black Pearls in the same category as brightly painted tanks or Titanium regulators.
But hey - honestly, I'm not trying to rain on your parade. I'm happy you like them. Are they DIN or Yoke? That's the sweet thing about Apeks - you can switch them over in about 30 seconds with a wrench and a 6mm hex key.
Oh, hey, no worries at all. After all If we all dove the samething, what would we talk about?

Where I bought the Pearls from they were the same price as the ATX200. No difference. I actually bought the 200's and the guy said why don't you take the Pearls because they are the same price.
I use DIN because I leaning more towards tech diving then rec diving. So I just use an adaptor when I travel. I didn't know that you can switch it from DIN to yoke that easily. Othewise I would have just done that instead of buying an adaptor.