Apeks ATX200 or TX50/DS4?

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Henry, I'm happy for you. But in all honesty - no. I think they're silly. You paid a huge premium on what is nothing more than an ATX200 with a paint job.

Sorry dude - I put Black Pearls in the same category as brightly painted tanks or Titanium regulators.

But hey - honestly, I'm not trying to rain on your parade. I'm happy you like them. Are they DIN or Yoke? That's the sweet thing about Apeks - you can switch them over in about 30 seconds with a wrench and a 6mm hex key.

Oh, hey, no worries at all. After all If we all dove the samething, what would we talk about? :wink:

Where I bought the Pearls from they were the same price as the ATX200. No difference. I actually bought the 200's and the guy said why don't you take the Pearls because they are the same price.

I use DIN because I leaning more towards tech diving then rec diving. So I just use an adaptor when I travel. I didn't know that you can switch it from DIN to yoke that easily. Othewise I would have just done that instead of buying an adaptor.

Oh, hey, no worries at all. After all If we all dove the samething, what would we talk about? :wink:

Where I bought the Pearls from they were the same price as the ATX200. No difference. I actually bought the 200's and the guy said why don't you take the Pearls because they are the same price.

I use DIN because I leaning more towards tech diving then rec diving. So I just use an adaptor when I travel. I didn't know that you can switch it from DIN to yoke that easily. Othewise I would have just done that instead of buying an adaptor.


You'd still need the Yoke arm though, so you're probably better off financially. Well, better off so long as you can live with the longer yoke assembly when it's adapted, not converted. I did mine the hard way - bought yoke, then figured out I wanted DIN. I converted them over and my Yoke arm sits on a bookcase shelf... I don't even bother packing it in my toolbox anymore on dive trips.
Either reg will treat you well. I chose the atx200, but due to lack of stock, I was upgraded to the black pearl as well. This is for my singles setup (not diving twins yet), and the thing breathes bone dry upside down, right side up, doesn't matter. Love the regs.

If I was to buy again, or when I'm buying for my twins, it'll be the atx50/DS4 setup, because the quality is still top notch, and they're way cheaper.
Gotta agree with the ATX50/DS4. I looked at both regs but went for the value. That left a lot of money left over for other toys. Either way you can't go wrong.
What model is actually a DS4? Someone else told me that if you want an actual DS4, order ??? and that is what you will get. I thought that an ATX50 is a swivel first stage (per APEKS) while I know the DS4 is definately not swivel.
The first stage on the ATX50 is the DST ... basically a DS4 with a swivel. I believe the ATX40 comes with a DS4 first stage.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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