Apeks ATX200 or TX50/DS4?

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Essex, Vermont USA
Hi folks... I'm new to the Board. Thanx for having me. I live in Vermont and dive the cold waters of Lake Champlain and Ontario, including under the ice. I currently use a Mares MR22/Abyss, with an environmental package, and a pony bottle with an old Sherwood. I have enjoyed my Abyss. I would like to buy either a new Apex ATX200 or TX50/DS4. I plan on putting the new reg and the Abyss on a set of doubles. Do any of you have a strong preference for one over the other? Breathability...? Dependability...? Is there a real need for 2 HP ports (ATX200)? Is the porting layout of one significantly better than the other? The cost difference won't be the deciding factor IF one is MUCH better than the other. Should I be looking at something else? Respectfully...
Hi folks... I'm new to the Board. Thanx for having me. I live in Vermont and dive the cold waters of Lake Champlain and Ontario, including under the ice. I currently use a Mares MR22/Abyss, with an environmental package, and a pony bottle with an old Sherwood. I have enjoyed my Abyss. I would like to buy either a new Apex ATX200 or TX50/DS4. I plan on putting the new reg and the Abyss on a set of doubles. Do any of you have a strong preference for one over the other? Breathability...? Dependability...? Is there a real need for 2 HP ports (ATX200)? Is the porting layout of one significantly better than the other? The cost difference won't be the deciding factor IF one is MUCH better than the other. Should I be looking at something else? Respectfully...

Hi, Dave! Welcome aboard!

I use the Apeks TX-100's (four) for deep diving, and really like them. I would go for the 200's, since they will do anything you want, their flow ratings at depth are outstanding, and they will be very flexible in terms of hose positioning. They also have a kit to make them fully high O2 content capable.

Cheers, mate!
Hi folks... I'm new to the Board. Thanx for having me. I live in Vermont and dive the cold waters of Lake Champlain and Ontario, including under the ice. I currently use a Mares MR22/Abyss, with an environmental package, and a pony bottle with an old Sherwood. I have enjoyed my Abyss. I would like to buy either a new Apex ATX200 or TX50/DS4. I plan on putting the new reg and the Abyss on a set of doubles. Do any of you have a strong preference for one over the other? Breathability...? Dependability...? Is there a real need for 2 HP ports (ATX200)? Is the porting layout of one significantly better than the other? The cost difference won't be the deciding factor IF one is MUCH better than the other. Should I be looking at something else? Respectfully...

I own two ATX200 Black Pearls. Breathing is very smooth in cold water and at depth. They also breath very dry. In fact so dry, I have taken the reg out of my mouth just to lick the inside of my mouth to get some moisture in there. :D

I dive with twins. So on my right side, I use one HP port for my wireless transmitter and on my left post I use the HP port for a SPG. I suppose if you were diving singles, you could use both HP ports that way.

I mount my Pearls side ways which routes all my hoses downwards. So there are no hoses that poke out upwards or sideways. Very clean.

Hope this helps.
This is great info. How do they breath upside-down or inverted? I heard they are wet. My Abyss is totally dry. Many times, at the completion of an ice dive, I like to flip over and stand upside-down on the underside of the ice and have my line-tender pull me to the hole. I pop out feet first. Kinda like water skiiing under the ice. To get there, I usually do a forward roll and try to balance with my feet flat on the underside. It's nice that my reg is totally dry while doing it. The only thing that sometimes floods is my mask from laughing! What a hoot!!!
This is great info. How do they breath upside-down or inverted? I heard they are wet. My Abyss is totally dry. Many times, at the completion of an ice dive, I like to flip over and stand upside-down on the underside of the ice and have my line-tender pull me to the hole. I pop out feet first. Kinda like water skiiing under the ice. To get there, I usually do a forward roll and try to balance with my feet flat on the underside. It's nice that my reg is totally dry while doing it. The only thing that sometimes floods is my mask from laughing! What a hoot!!!

Breathes fine upside down. No freeflows or anything. When I was diving in the tropics, I always went upside down to look at certain things and had no problems at all. The only water that kinda of gets in your mouth is whatever water was in the reg to start with. For example if you did a surface swim and there was a little bit of water still trapped in the reg.

But if you are ice diving. You would jump in with the reg in your mouth and water should not have a chance to enter at all.

Hope this helps.
I'd get the DS4's. They're significantly cheaper, and I'd defy you to tell me the difference if you didn't know what reg was on the post behind you. I've got them for both a single set up and my doubles.

Breathing "upside down" is a function of the second stage, not the first stage. And the Apeks ATX50 and ATX200 second stage are identical, save for a faceplate and minor cosmetic differences.
I'd get the DS4's. They're significantly cheaper, and I'd defy you to tell me the difference if you didn't know what reg was on the post behind you. I've got them for both a single set up and my doubles.

Breathing "upside down" is a function of the second stage, not the first stage. And the Apeks ATX50 and ATX200 second stage are identical, save for a faceplate and minor cosmetic differences.

This is very true. They are almost identical. The ATX200 has a breathing controll knob that I just leave open anyway, I don't ever use it. They both come with a venturi lever which is great for leaving off if you have a second one as octo or surface swim if it is your primary. They are both enviromentally sealed which is important for cold water.

I could not vouch for the breathing rate because I have never breathed a ATX 50.

I just happen to like my pretty Black Pearl first stage. :crafty: After all, there is a certain amount of bragging rights. Eh, Boogie?

This is very true. They almost identical. The ATX200 has a breathing controll knob that I just leave open anyway, I don't ever use it. They both come with a venturi lever which is great for leaving off if you have a second one as octo or surface swim if it is your primary.

I just happen to like my pretty Black Pearl first stage. :crafty: After all, there is a certain amount of bragging rights. Eh, Boogie?


Yes - for example, I'm quite fond of bragging about my identical performance for 1/3 the price. Eh Henry? :eyebrow:

And there is a breathing resistance knob on the 50's, too. Like I said, they're identical.
Yes - for example, I'm quite fond of bragging about my identical performance for 1/3 the price. Eh Henry? :eyebrow:

And there is a breathing resistance knob on the 50's, too. Like I said, they're identical.

Ah, yes. A closer inspection reveals that they both have the breathing resistance knob. But come on, Boogi. Wouldn't you like to touch my Pearls? Hahahahaha...... (It sounds funnier if you picture that last sentence said with a salty sea captain accent.)

Henry, I'm happy for you. But in all honesty - no. I think they're silly. You paid a huge premium on what is nothing more than an ATX200 with a paint job.

Sorry dude - I put Black Pearls in the same category as brightly painted tanks or Titanium regulators.

But hey - honestly, I'm not trying to rain on your parade. I'm happy you like them. Are they DIN or Yoke? That's the sweet thing about Apeks - you can switch them over in about 30 seconds with a wrench and a 6mm hex key.

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