Anything in the works for

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Reaction score
N.E. Texas
# of dives
100 - 199
CSSP this weekend?

Looks like y'all had fun last weekend TropiGal.

Lightning! :eek:
Yes, folks, the TSDT/CSSP jinx is alive and well!!

Upon surfacing, I looked around and saw the storm clouds brewing and lighting in the distance. :bolt: I had noticed the winds picking up as the current got stronger upon ascent. By the time I saw where the north pier was, I was about 200-300 yards away. It took me 15-20 minutes to fight the current and get back, then rescue my gear that had blown away. I was also getting concerned for the rest of my group, as we had gotten seperated. I was very glad to see them come back to the pavilion, just as the heavy rain and winds picked up. It never seems to fail, does it??? LOL :D


P.S. -- Many thanks to Bridget, Bill, Aimee and Jim for letting me dive with them. Let's do it again soon!! :thumb:
Oh yes, it was an exciting afternoon last Sunday. I just had to post some of the details in Asta21's post from last week so that you could hear about how it turned out and see what you missed!! LOL...

We may be at CSSP this coming Saturday for the Labor Day wkend - that's the plan as of now. Will keep you posted as the week progresses. Maybe we can get another TSDT group dive or two in the works for those heading out to CSSP. .... Anybody have a weather radio to bring? - just kidding......NOT! alternate location, Athens or PK?
tone once bubbled... alternate location, Athens or PK?

no one seems to like Athens much anymore. Granted, there's not a lot to see down there, but any port in a storm (so to speak), I say...
Me and a group from Tyler are going to Clear Springs this weekend for the labor day festivities!! Hope to see you there!!
Hey Tone,

I know it will have to be CSSP for me. Bill is working on his DM and that's where he works with the OW students. Also, it is the closest place for us. Athens is quite a ways further out - not that we won't do that again eventually. However; I don't know about diving in that water...with blonde hair....I've heard that the chemicals they put in the water have turned some people's hair green. I'll have to check that out further before diving there again. LOL....

As for PK - I will NEVER dive there again. The vis was terrible every time I've ever been, the ramp very very slick and the diving area way too crowded for me. I don't like a class of students "raining" down on top of me.

I know that there are a lot of people who dive both Athens and PK and enjoy both - but as for me - I want a little more open space and clearer water. Granted, CSSP's vis is down some right now due to the algae bloom but it is still clearer than any other place around so if I have to dive a's the one I'd choose even if Bill wasn't doing DM activities there. I think we will be there on Saturday.

Hope you have a good dive weekend wherever you choose. Sounds like there will be people at both Athens and CSSP so you shouldn't have any trouble finding a buddy. Let me know where you decide to go.
y'all? Wear my TSDT t-shirt and wait for the holler? :D

This will be my first time at CSSP, and don't know way around.

They do have tanks and weights for rent now, don't they?

Now I can check out my old wet suit I've worn only once in Coz to see how much weight I would use. (22 to 24 lbs. in sw) Should cut that to about half in fw, huh?

Ahh, the pleasures of being a warm water whimp, go down below the thermocline in lakes for about 30 seconds then go back up.

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