Anyone want to dive Vets Tuesday night (Nov 25)?

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Reaction score
LA - North Hollywood
# of dives
500 - 999
Anyone want to dive Vets on Tuesday night? Meet around 7 PM, in the water around 7:30 and out at 8:30 PM. Everyone keeps reporting great conditions lately, let's hope they continue.

Jaime can you still make it?

Rumor even had it that Billy might consider coming down, I'll believe that when I see it. I think we need to schedule a Peace trip to dive with Billy.:wink:
Anyone want to dive Vets on Tuesday night? Meet around 7 PM, in the water around 7:30 and out at 8:30 PM. Everyone keeps reporting great conditions lately, let's hope they continue.

Jaime can you still make it?

Rumor even had it that Billy might consider coming down, I'll believe that when I see it. I think we need to schedule a Peace trip to dive with Billy.:wink:

Rex, sorry, but I've got to meet up with my softball team to celebrate our championship season(yeah!). I'll look for your post here next week and see if I can meet up with you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Jamie
Rex, sorry, but I've got to meet up with my softball team to celebrate our championship season(yeah!). I'll look for your post here next week and see if I can meet up with you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Jamie

Congatulations on your season, have fun celebrating. Maybe we'll dive next week. I may try to get out out diving over the weekend. Not sure I can make Friday but Saturday I could. Happy Thankgiving to you too.
Anyone want to dive Vets on Tuesday night? Meet around 7 PM, in the water around 7:30 and out at 8:30 PM. Everyone keeps reporting great conditions lately, let's hope they continue.

Jaime can you still make it?

Rumor even had it that Billy might consider coming down, I'll believe that when I see it. I think we need to schedule a Peace trip to dive with Billy.:wink:

You crack me up dude. I know it seems like there's always an excuse and I've actually got a valid one this time, congestion! I've been on 8 planes in the last week and I think all the rapid altitude changes messed up my sinuses, which were somewhat problematic to begin with. I even had to cancel a golfing lesson yesterday, how big of a wuss do you have to be to do that! Sorry to be a flake brutha, as soon as I'm clear to dive I'm hitting you up.

You crack me up dude. I know it seems like there's always an excuse and I've actually got a valid one this time, congestion! I've been on 8 planes in the last week and I think all the rapid altitude changes messed up my sinuses, which were somewhat problematic to begin with. I even had to cancel a golfing lesson yesterday, how big of a wuss do you have to be to do that! Sorry to be a flake brutha, as soon as I'm clear to dive I'm hitting you up.


Billy stay off those airplanes man, they'll make you sick. Get better dude! I've been busy but my time should be freeing up now, just in time for colder water. I'm hoping to make more dives next year, catch you on some I hope.

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