Anyone want to dive Redondo Tues or Wed night?

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Reaction score
LA - North Hollywood
# of dives
500 - 999
Anyone want to dive Redondo Tues or Wed night? I can be there around 7:00 PM, in the water by 7:30 just as it's getting dark.

Anyone? - Jaime, Ren?
I might be interested, I was hoping Thursday night to get a night dive in. Anyone up for Thursday night?
Hi Diverrex,

I haven't met you yet, but I'd be up for diving Vets either Tues or Wed. I live 3 miles away from Vets, so I consider it my home dive site. :)

What's up with Jaime and Ren, haven't seen them on the board for a while.

Hi Diverrex,

I haven't met you yet, but I'd be up for diving Vets either Tues or Wed. I live 3 miles away from Vets, so I consider it my home dive site. :)

What's up with Jaime and Ren, haven't seen them on the board for a while.


Either Tues or Wed. works for me. Let's see if anyone else chimes in before we pick a day.

I've only done 7 dives at Vets, 4 day and 3 night, maybe you can show me around your home dive site.
Hi Diverrex,

I haven't met you yet, but I'd be up for diving Vets either Tues or Wed. I live 3 miles away from Vets, so I consider it my home dive site. :)

What's up with Jaime and Ren, haven't seen them on the board for a while.


No one else seems interested, what's up with that? How about we if plan on Tuesday night, I should be able to get there around 7PM.

Jaime and Ren seem to be ignoring us.
I think Ren has put diving on the back burner since College football season has started. That is just a wild guess. As for Jamie He has been busy with his family, and work. Hopefully will be in the water soon.
No one else seems interested, what's up with that? How about we if plan on Tuesday night, I should be able to get there around 7PM.

Jaime and Ren seem to be ignoring us.

Hey rex,

I wanna go, I can be there by 7PM.
Ren's been MIA for a while, hmm kinda since he got a new girlfriend :)

Jamie's been busy with some personal stuff so he's not ignoring anyone, just hasn't been around...

Ken said that vis on Sat was great at Vets so hope it still holds up for you guys!
Oh thats right for got about that girlfriend he has now.

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