Jodi R.: I see that you are on the Open World plan which does cover Bonaire. If you'd like to use this plan there calls will be $0.20, texts will be Free, and data will be $30/GB.
Dave Brunner: 20 cents per minute?
Jodi R.: Yes that's correct. If you'd like I can switch you to the Global Roaming plan which includes calling for $0.20/minute, in addition to Unlimited text and data (2G speeds).
Dave Brunner: how much is that plan?
Dave Brunner: and what speed will I be on the open world plan?
Jodi R.: It's Free.
Jodi R.: Data speeds are 3G/4G with Open World plan.
Dave Brunner: what speed is 2G exactly?
Jodi R.: It's a little slower than 3G.
Dave Brunner: Can you give me a speed so I know if my navigation will work on this
Dave Brunner: and can you tell me the coverage map for bonaire?
Jodi R.: You should be able to use your navigation with the 2G speed, and what cities in Bonaire will you be visiting?
Dave Brunner: the entire island, do you have a map of the coverage?
Dave Brunner: please switch me to the Global Roaming with the understanding that 2g data/text is free at .20/min for calls.
Jodi R.: You may view the coverage map online at
Jodi R.: Okay no problem, allow me a moment please.
Jodi R.: Thanks for patiently waiting.
Please complete a profile update before leaving the US. Settings > System Update > Update Profile.
Jodi R.: Please complete these steps in Bonaire:
1. Turn Off WiFi, Bluetooth, and Airplane mode.
2. Apply these settings:
Settings > More Networks > Roaming > Roaming Settings > Turn on international Voice and Data.
Settings > More Networks > Mobile Networks > Network Mode > GSM/UMTS > Select Automatic.
You may use WiFi or Bluetooth once you're able to connect.
Dave Brunner: quick question.
Dave Brunner: the sprint world open says it comes FREE w/ 1GB then $30 for additional GB ist hat correct?
Dave Brunner: you had said $30 per GB
Jodi R.: The free 1 GB does not include Bonaire. That's only for Mexico, Canada, and Latin America.
Dave Brunner: yeah I see that now.
Dave Brunner: how can I be sure that the change has taken effect on my phone?
Dave Brunner: says profile has been updated
Jodi R.: Great, that indicates that the Global Roaming plan was enabled.
Dave Brunner: excellent!!
Dave Brunner: so to clarify, I will get free 2G data speed and texts and pay .20/min to make calls to the US? How much are calls to bonaire while on bonaire?
Jodi R.: That's correct. The rates will remain the same ($0.20/min).
Dave Brunner: excellent thank you
Dave Brunner: and I can chat with you guys while there if I need anything else
Dave Brunner: can I change my plan to the open world while there if the 2g is too slow?
Jodi R.: You're welcome. Yes, or you can contact us by phone at +1-817-698-4199.
Jodi R.: Yes you may change to the Open World if you need to.
Dave Brunner: Excellent, thanks again!! please send the transcript
Dave Brunner: and to clarify
Dave Brunner: the open world plan costs how much extra?
Jodi R.: It is FREE.
Jodi R.: to add*
Dave Brunner: thank you