Anyone up for Swepco Feb 25-26?

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Gotta get a dive in for this month (New Year's resolution). Visibility and water temp were both good at Swepco January 29, so figured I'd go back there and see if conditions have remained. Anyone feel like getting wet?
Check out or,-94.539242&spn=0.01682,0.042915&t=h
Basically, about 3 miles west of Gentry Arkansas; or, 6 miles north of Siloam Springs. I've just been there once, on Jan 29, and conditions were much better than others had described: "Couple feet viz;" "Couldn't see my hand in front of my face." But, on my visit visibility was probably at least 10 feet. As good as anything I've personally seen at Beaver or Table Rock anyway. So, I'm guessing visibility there must always be a crapshoot; although, I have no idea why it would vary so much. The bottom is very fine silt and only 20-25 feet deep, so it's easily stirred up if not careful. Anyway, the water is relatively warm ~70degrees; so, I'm going to go check it out again next weekend. Seems at least a good place to get wet in winter and practice buoyancy control (and play around in my new (used) drysuit). A few shops use it for open water checkout dives in winter. Only access (I believe) is at the lone boat ramp at the intersection of Cripps Road and West Cripps Road. If you do a satellite map search on Google you can zoom in enough to check out the ramp area.
Wife and I did our check out dives there. The vis is ok as long as you stay off the bottom. Yea, tell that to a class of newbies. A div-con friend of mine said the vis was 15 feet or so a few weeks ago.

Can't make it next weekend, but wife and I are trying to get out out in March some weekend.
Why is the water so warm? I wish I could make it but work on the weekends ! That is why my dive buddy and me can not get a lot of dives in. I sometimes go solo when I have gone so long without diving. My dive buddy reads me the riot act but sometimes it is necessary.:D
It's the cooling lake for the Flint Creek Power Plant; thus, water discharged from the plant back into the lake is warmed. Now, if they could just filter out the silt from the bottom and put in scuba facilities (oh, and keep all the fishing boats away). Although the report is for 45 degree air temps this coming weekend I'm still planning to at least go check out the viz again and hopefully get at least one dive in. I'll give a report next week.
Sorry I can not go, sound like a cool dive. I still have yet to try out my water Scooter. Have a great time, maybe this summer.
Dove Swepco today (Sunday, Feb.26). Weather was very nice - sunny, light winds, 56+ degree air temp, 75 degree surface temp, 65 degrees at 25 ft. Viz wasn't nearly as good as in January, just about 5 ft. But all in all a nice dive, especially for my first dive in a dry suit. It was an interesting contrast between myself and my son-in-law/dive buddy. I looked like I was ready to go caving: drysuit, BP/W, long hose on primary reg, necklaced secondary reg, shiny new AL80 tank, etc. He was in nostalgic steel 72 tank with back harness, chest BC with oral inflator, Aqualung single reg, beaver tail wetsuit, USDivers rocket fins, ankle-mounted dive knife - straight out of an old Jacques Cousteau episode. And, he dove like he was part of the Calypso team. While I was a lumbering SUV, he was a sleek, agile sports car. Seemed like he was perfectly weighted for whatever depth we were at. He could stop on a dime and hover with no effort at any depth or easily outpace me swimming along if he needed. Guess who was envious of whose setup and skills? Really nice thing was that he was always mindful of where I was and how I was doing, or if I was leading he'd stay right by my side so I didn't have to look for him - really, really nice when the visibility is so limited. This was our first time to dive together and it certainly won't be the last. Nor, will it be our last dive at Swepco.
Glad to hear you had a good time. I am itching to get out an dive. Wife and I probably won't get to go for a few more weeks yet.
I laughed that you mention how nice it is to have your buddy stay close in low vis. When my wife and I dove there early last spring, she would not let go of me. Of course then, at arms length, you could not see each other.
Congratulations on the dive and buddy for it, sounds like he was a proper buddy all right. You'll get the hang of the drysuit shortly, it's different and probably part of the reason you didn't look so sleek and natural.

Drysuits are nice, but somewhat different and soon enough you'll get it nailed and have all the characteristics he did. You'll have to try some colder water as soon as you get comfy in the suit, it's not that much different.

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