Anyone up for doing some drills with me?

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I was recommended by very concerned divers to do a class like UTD/GUE and I always looked the other way. I was instead interested in purchasing all the cool looking gear and just diving like mad. I didn't see or understand the value of those classes.

Most of the these reputable divers gave up on me and maybe just felt, "he's going to end up getting really hurt or worse". It wasn't until a female diver came around and defended me and said rather than attack this diver, he's calling out for help.

Becasue of her I joined up for the Essentials class and never looked back.

I see the same thing in you that I did or went through, please take this small piece of advice which I think you are already are doing.

Take the UTD class called Essentials with Don then when you complete that and have lots of great dives behind you, call up the GUE folks and sign up for Fudies.

I promise you one thing, you will walk away with so many skills that you never thought possible even better you become just a great diver with lots of knowledge.

I didn't learn a fraction of the stuff in my SSI/PADI classes that these guys gave me.

I can't wait to hear about your class reports as you take these classes, it looks like you are already a great diver (in heart), just need a nudge in the right direction to become even greater Mr.Fuzzy/Bunny diver.. :)
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Fuzzy, the more I read your posts the more I get worried for you.
You're too enthusiastic about scuba diving.
Not a bad thing.
But seriously, slow down a bit. I understand that you want to practice under exact conditions, but there are things that you don't know you don't know.
(that's not a redundant typo; & No I didn't mean to rhyme)

I'm glad you're asking these things on the forums though, and I'm hoping you're taking everyone's advice and thinking about it.

Most of the drills you stated you wanted to do are good drills to practice, but the exact way you want to do them is too extreme for ocean conditions, or even pool conditions.

As Hepcat said, you're not doing a drill, you're creating an emergency.

Scuba D&R at 20ft!? Why? There's no reason why you would have to ditch your gear underwater. Unless you got so utterly tangled on the tank valve and on top of that lost your cutting device as well as your buddy, then yes maybe you would need to do it.
But then again if that really happened you would not be diving down to get your gear again.

Also CESA with the valve turned off is not a real world scenario. If you go OOA and CESA you WILL have at least one breath left in the tank as you ascend. A closed valve sucked dry will give you no air until you turn the valve back on.

Just a few things to think about.
If you do practice drill though, I think a 3 member dive team would be ideal. A spotter can tell you far more than those involved in the drill.
And definitely take a Rescue course if you can. I have a feeling you'd like it a lot.
I actually think a 30' SCUBA D&R would be pretty fun. If I could even find my gear again, which is sort of the kicker.
I actually think a 30' SCUBA D&R would be pretty fun. If I could even find my gear again, which is sort of the kicker.

Maybe at Monastery where it's usually clear waters, far from shore, with Dave and his little dingy to pick us up and haul us back to LML at the end of the day :blinking:
Maybe at Monastery where it's usually clear waters, far from shore, with Dave and his little dingy to pick us up and haul us back to LML at the end of the day :blinking:

The 27' Radon?
The 27' Radon?

I was referring to the orange one we took to Big Creek, but yeah that "little dingy" works too xD
Fuzzy, I hope you are listening to what everyone is saying. We worry about diver's getting hurt, that's why most if not all of the folks repying to you are Rescue Divers or more (DM, Instructor). One other thing I got from your post is that you may be doing a lot of diving alone, please get a buddy this is not a solo sport (yes I know there is some specilized training) this can be a risky sport, let's lower the risk. Just my 2 cents.
Is fuzzy male or female?

I'm more worried about a man choosing the screen name "fuzzy baby bunny." IJS :idk:

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