kuster500:As far as individual classes go, they are nice in my opinion (take that for what its worth) because the instructor is doing the skills with you and can tell if you are doing something wrong a lot easier than otherwise would be able to. If you have the money and the option, I would take the independent classes. I have done five classes with Johnny now, and they were all independent, and I belive this benifited me greatly
Here is the most interesting part about my comment and the comments that have resulted from it...
This is something (not exactly verbatum but as close as I can remember) that Johhny said to me when I told him I was considering private classes.
Johnny --> "As the instructor, watching 2 or more students from a 3rd party position is far better than being a participant in a one on one class. As a 3rd party you can observe things much better. It allows me to critique more effectively the student an correct any problems that might exist."
Words spoken by "The Man" himself....

Dive Safe!