Same, though I like the option to extend a bit and do other things. Also may bring a non-diving friend. I don't drink very much these days so it wouldn't be a big deal for me either.
I was just tossing that mildly snarky comment out to draw out the painting that
@drrich2 has begun in answer to your OP.
These are kind of complicated things that you’re asking about, in terms of Roatan. Read his answers with care. Especially to the huge “beach’ conundrum.
The EASY answer is: come to Roatan to dive or to drink. There really isn’t much else yet going on there. Everybody has some kind of dream for attracting tourists, but other than DIVING or DRINKING, it’s all pretty Ren Fair hokum level. It will change.
Note that is said, drink OR dive. There are “Vacation Divers” and there are “Dive Vacations”. Some are served well here on SB, some are better aligned with Trip Advisor. I really don’t see much middle ground, and adding Roatan to the mix further polarizes the equation.
The majority of Vacation Divers are attracted to West End. HUGE fan base. Most of them get 3 to 10 dives in a week.
The minority of the other type of divers, the Dive Vacationers... they end up at AKR Anthony Key or CCV CoCo View. They dive on 17-27 dives in a week.
Then you have to figure out how that above info serves you. Now...what is the effect on your traveling companion.
I have taken several friends to CCV. They expressed little interest in becoming certified. They thought they might snorkel or just read. Each and every one wound up getting certified. This is where locale and availability comes in to play, in a huge way. CCV creates divers out of thin air.
@drrich2 is developing quite a broad knowledge base about Roatan. It is one thing to know one dive op well. There’s a lot of West End fans who only know one view, @ddrich is starting to get around- he knows of what he speaks.
There is absolutely no single best place for everybody on Roatan. This is said about most every island, but on Roatan, this is your best advice. Listen carefully, and do the literal math!