Anyone diving Venice Beach/Alhambra today?

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Reaction score
North Port, FL
# of dives
25 - 49
OK well the thread title pretty much says it all. I was planning on going Sunday but the bug is getting to me. I don't know if I can hold out that long.
Well I'll post this here if anyone is interested in reading it. This morning I spoke with Terry at Depthfinders in Port Charlotte as well as someone at ScubaQuest in Venice (Ron I think not positive) and Russ at Florida West in Venice. All 3 gave me the same report on viz. From the beach viz is roughly 1ft and out at the BoneYard it's around 3ft to 5ft. ScubaQuest is expecting an updated report around 1pm this afternoon. All 3 are basing their reports off information they are getting from customers returning rental gear.
If weather holds, I might try diving either Service Club or S. Brohard monday.
Yeah, I guess that was not the place to talk "viz theory" although I don't see why a report on the viz a few miles south was zapped. Anyway, so much for east winds...%^$#@& weather forcasts. We didn't make it to Venice but Placida (trestle) viz was three feet or less at full high tide. The gulf was quite chunky and stirred up and winds were out of the west at a pretty good clip. I wonder of the dive boats went out today. I would love to go Sunday but will wait until I hear something.

Have a fun 4th!
Id like to get out Tues if anyone is feeling bored. My buddy is stuck helping out a coworker who is having surgery. I might get out in the am and try for some bubble time.
How about the up coming weekend, July 11th, What do you think the vis will be like? I am thinking about driving down from Ocala this weekend to grab some more teeth and bottom time.
How about the up coming weekend, July 11th, What do you think the vis will be like? I am thinking about driving down from Ocala this weekend to grab some more teeth and bottom time.

Well the report is east winds in the morning and west winds in the afternoon. Not sure how long you need east winds to have decent viz.
I'll be in the Keys this weekend, but if I weren't going down there, I'd be diving Venice.

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