Anyone been out with Sunn Odyssey Divers?

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Reaction score
South Sound, Grand Cayman
# of dives
5000 - ∞
My wife(6 ow dives) and I(3000 ow hours) are going to take a short trip to GBI and dive 6-7 tanks with these folks. I know there are better places to go, I am sure I have been there, but GBI is quick and easy from ATL, so that is our main reason.

I would like to know if anyone has dove with this group and what your thoughts are. Also, any particular spots we want to ask for?

Happy Holidays!
My wife and I are scheduled to dive with SunnOdyssey the 29th. We are doing two morning and two afternoon dives. While I have never dove with them before Karen (the owner) has been fantastic working with us, and Rodale's Scuba Diiving gave them a high rating. When are you going to Freeport? If we dive before you do I'll post my thoughts about the operation.

Ron Shephard

Thanks for the note. We are going the second week in Feb, so I will be interested to hear your thoughts.

Karen is very nice on the phone.

We decided to just stay at the Island Sea Resort across the street. It is convenient. I have stayed at the Westin many times, and it is very nice. We just want to get up in the AM, go dive, and then hang at the pool. So Island Seas works for us.
Just got back Sunday night. My wife and I made two dives with Sunn Odssey Divers. Karen and Nick are both great folks. Sunn Odyssey is a family run operation. The boat is adequate but nothing fancy. I don't need much to make me happy when I'm diving, but my wife likes a few more amenities. Nick will try to accommadate you if you want to visit a particular site. I asked for Theo's Wreck when I first made our reservations and that was the first site we dove. The water was very rough so we opted to do our third and fourth dive on Saturday morning instead of Friday afternoon. Karen was very receptive to that idea and did not make us pay for the afternoon dives. Saturday morning Karen came by our hotel (she picks you up also) to tell us that the seas were to rough to go out and the dives were cancelled. If I were to go back to Freeport to dive, I would dive with Sunn Odyssey again. My wife would not. She would want to try UNEXSO. If you have any specific questions I will be glad to try and answer them.


Thanks for the follow up. Glad you had a good time. I will post my experience when I get back in February.

How long did it take to get to the dive sites?

How was the vis considering the rough conditions?

Did you stay at Island Seas? Or in Lucaya?
Last question first. We stayed at Port Lucaya Resort and Yacht Club. We were right next to the market place and about 10 walking slow from UNEXSO. Vis was great considering the water. We had 50 feet plus vis on Theo's Wreck. At the Fish Farm which was only 15 feet deep we had the same, maybe better. The surge was so bad at the Fish Farm that I got vertigo and was sick to my stomach when we got back on board the boat. Waves were pushing three feet by the time we ended the dive. From the time we pulled out fron Sunn Odyssey it only took us about twenty minutes to get to Theo's Wreck. We set up our tanks and suited up before we ever left the dock. It was probably about a 15 minute run to the Fish Farm from Theo's Wreck. Maybe not that long. If you have a choice, ask to dive Pygmy Caves. There was a family from DC on the boat with us and we ran into them Saturday morning after our dives in the market place. We talked a while and they recommended this site. Apparently the coral grows into tunnels and swim throughs. They also saw a couple of small reef sharks there and a turtle. That was going to be one of our dives, but...Have fun and good luck. Until summer I'm back to diving the Florida springs and then it's the Gulf for me!


Thanks for the info. Yes this is a good site, not too much flaming.

The last time I was down I stayed at the Westin. I took my then 10 year old son, a friend, and his friends Dad. I was not able to dive, but we went on a few snorkle trips, which he enjoyed.

We decided the Islands Seas was more convient for diving, so we are staying there.

My long and storied history takes me back to the Orlando Otters. They would go on our Palm Beach Fin Divers charters to Cayman, and we would come up and dive Blue Springs. I was always more excited floating down with the manatees than the spring itself. But that was back when you had to suit up and walk. I hear you don't have to do that anymore.

Thanks again,


Thanks for the info. Yes this is a good site, not too much flaming.

The last time I was down I stayed at the Westin. I took my then 10 year old son, a friend, and his friends Dad. I was not able to dive, but we went on a few snorkle trips, which he enjoyed.

We decided the Islands Seas was more convient for diving, so we are staying there.

My long and storied history takes me back to the Orlando Otters. They would go on our Palm Beach Fin Divers charters to Cayman, and we would come up and dive Blue Springs. I was always more excited floating down with the manatees than the spring itself. But that was back when you had to suit up and walk. I hear you don't have to do that anymore.

Thanks again,



I am scheduled for Island Seas May 5-12th. Was looking at Sunn Odyssey also as they are close to Island Seas. How was your trip? I think I am like you, I do not need many amenities, just good safe diving.


We just got back and had a really good time. Sunn Odyssey is a pretty laid back operation. Nick and Karen and really nice people. The boat will handle ten people, and they will have two diveguides go as well, Romaine, Shawn, or Aaron, all nice and helpful.

Dive sites were 15-20 minutes away at most, so not a lot of travel time, be ready. They want you to obviously watch your bottom time, but don't limit you to some crazy time like others in GBI. the diveguides will hover, and make sure you don;t get to far away, but otherwise leave you alone.

The second dives were a little shallow for me, but that is the nature of the area.

I think the package is a good deal. Some tips on Islands Seas. It is a timeshare resort, so they will hit you up. Firmly and nicely turn them down, tell them many times you are juts here to dive. They will want you to get a star on your card. Forget it, nobody asks for it and we paid cash for drinks. Pleae tell Kenny and Kevin at the Bar ConchyJoe said hello. They are great and funny guys. Shuttles to the marketplace 2-3 times in the afternoon. Nice chaise lounges on the beach. There is a place down the beach called Bikini Bottom that we ate at twice. Very good cracked conch and kabobs, and good prices.

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