Anyone beach diving around Ft Laud 8/9?

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So that makes 5 of us for tomorrow morning at Commercial blvd (in Fort Lauderdale) at what time?

Seems like this is who's going:
MantaRey + friend

Is parking going to be a problem? What should we bring (besides dive gear)? I have a dive flag, who else is bringing one?
If we are doing Commercial, I think the best parking is on Datura one or two blocks south of Commercial. We are able to park right on the beach and there is a shower to rinse off equip when done. Bring quarters it's $1 per hour and earliest is best for parking. usually at 8am there is plenty by 9am it's all gone. I'll also bring a dive flag, tickling device and net.

amelo I'm by the Metro Zoo, we can follow each other up to Commercial. I have to leave right from there after we ar done to the in-laws house to pick up my two kids :)
It takes about an hour to get there from were I live so I need to leave by 7am.

my cell is 305 926-2366

hi everyone. just got OWD certified last weekend and I LOVE IT!

i'll be at south of commercial early tomorrow morning with a couple friends. would love to meet other local divers...
Well 8 am is awesome by me. And Juan I think I may just have to meet you over there because my cousin is most likely going too. So I guess it's Commercial at 8 am. Can someone give me directions to that lot?
Take I95 up to Commercial, exit going east straight to A1A and turn south 1 or 2 blocks to Datura make a left and your'e there.
Ok so I will be there at 8 am. I will either be in a red focus hatchback with a dive sticker on the back or a blue explorer sport. In any event look for 2 pretty large guys ;) One of them having tattoos on both arms. Pretty large tattoos of a dragon with a sun in front of it. That would be me ;)
I'm doing 2. And I will definitely be in the focus. Turns out my cousin bailed on me
fantabulous. see everyone there. let's be sure to outdo the venice beach party ;-)

but uhhh, are we all gonna meet up somewhere specific at the beach before we go diving? or just meet up in the water. heh.

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