any suggestions for after Christmas trip

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My hubby and I have vacation time after Christmas and we are looking to take a diving trip. Can anyone recommend a good place to go during this time of year? --Starfish
Don't know if the final timing would work for ya...but some friends of mine are talking about hitting the springs of Northern Florida about that time, as well as the wrecks out of Panama City.

A lot depends on how much time and money you have.

Personally, my dive buddy and me would go over to Catalina for the Xmas holidays. I guarantee you that the water is pretty much void of divers, conditions are still good (water temps in the upper 50s) and if you stay in Avalon, you pretty much have the run of the city. The locals are very friendly, hotel rates are reasonable that time of year as well.
TexasMike that might work. My dh is orginally from Clearwater and has been telling me about the FL springs.

Socaldiver: Neither my dh or I have a drysuit. Would we need one if we went this route?

Thinking that I can't live in Minnesota much longer with out a drysuit.
You know, that sounds really good to me, Chepar. If I were in Minnesota, I'd have to give that serious consideration...
Actually, some friends did that for the Millenium and did a manta ray night dive. Wish I could have gone.
I will be around Ft. Lauderdale, anxiously watching the weather channel.
I thought that Christmas was "high season" in your neck-of-the-woods?
How do the Maldives sound to you?

We're planning two weeks there, estimated departure date 25 January.

If you want to join us (details still to be decided, including which resort), please PM me.

The more, the merrier!

Don't mean to be wishy washy but the type of suit you would wear diving off Catalina (or anywhere else for that matter) depends on your tolerance.

I am very comfy in a 7 mil personally.

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