Any places in or near Ohio for artifacts?

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Columbus, OH
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0 - 24
Would like to find some sunken treasure myself. Not interested in gold and silver, just some things to put on my book shelf.
You can usually find lost dive lights and hubcaps in the Gilboa Quarry over in Findlay Ohio

Gilboa Quarry Scuba Diving

a little chilly right now -- but a very popular dive spot


lol I have always wanted a sunken hubcap. Looking for old bottles and the such is more what I had in mind :D
lol I have always wanted a sunken hubcap. Looking for old bottles and the such is more what I had in mind :D

any of the places where they allow boating you will find bottles -- it's man's nature to litter in any body of water ....... look for old sailing marinas...

You do need to be careful of what you bring up. Depending on age and "historical" value removing items from state waters can get you into a bit of trouble. Pennsylvania and Ohio as well as I would guess most states look at whatever is laying at the bottom of their waterways as theirs. It doesn't matter that their archaeologists are too lazy to go after the stuff themselves they think they know best what to do with it. I have never heard of removing bottles as being any kind of problem but anything else like mammoth bones, teeth, tusks (which is possible), or other stuff is something you may need to declare. It does of course depend on your tastes. I have found some really neat pieces of "driftwood", an iron rib looking thing, and other stuff that would be of little interest to anyone else. I find them aesthetically pleasing and just like the way they look. If that's what you're into there is all kinds of stuff, that if for no other reason is unique because you brought it up from underwater where no one else would ever see it. That is pretty cool in itself.
If and when you bring up anything of value there is always someone there willing and wanting to take it from you.

When a treasure hunter comes back to shore there is never anyone waiting for his arrival.

When a treasure hunter comes back to shore, with a treasure, there are typically crowds of people with legal claims to the treasure, in their hands. Some of the people typically work for the state or federal government.

Salvers fight long and hard to keep a portion of what they labored over. The are usually surrounded by people with their hands out, demanding they give it up.

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