Any Michigan river divers here?

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Low Country of SC and GA
# of dives
200 - 499
I was talking with a friend of mine back in Michigan (I grew up there) and I will be going back this summer for my sisters stupid wedding(don't ask) . He was telling me to bring my gear up and we would head over to Port Huron and dive in the St Clair river.

I just wanted to hear from anyone that has dove this river and what I can expect. I did the usual youtube search and it looks nice with all that visibility but I am hoping to find some old bottles. He also mentioned some 5 point harness with a modified climbing ax (I guess some use modded roofing hammers too) attached to it that local divers wear so that they can have both hands free while attaching themselves to the bottom. I am interested in that for down here in Charleston since I do a lot of black river diving and the only thing better then having one hand free is having two hands free~! LOL
Well Mike, I haven't dove any rivers in Michigan but I can offer some advice. Blow off the wedding and go diving.:wink:

Well, since I posted this I have decided it would be best for me not to attend her wedding. I just can not condone it at all. I have voiced my concerns with her but she is seeing through rose glasses right now.

Long story short, her husband passed away two years ago and she got a nice insurance sum. She has since met this dead beat loser who is 20 years her senior, which I really do not have a problem with that but this guy is 60 and has a hard time keeping a job, lives with his son, owes a TON of money in bills and he moved it with my sister in her nice home and my sister couldn't even give me any money to help pay for my dad's funeral last month and I ended up paying for all of it (another story in itself) and I haven't had time to grieve my loss or was able to attend the funeral as he was cremated the next day. This ass-clown told her he wanted to remodel the basement into his "man-cave" so she did at a cost of $4,000 of her money. I just heard too that he is talking about wanting to get a nice boat and wants a Harley motorcycle. I swear, I want to ring both their necks!

I first told her that she will marry all his debt when she marries him, she said "so" and then I said do a prenuptial, and she said people in love do not do those things.

Oh well, I may not make the trip up to Michigan all together, I have just elect to go to Florida and do some diving there.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh serenity now~!!!! LOL I can not wait till my cruise here in a month, I need to escape and forget about everything.

On a good note I have decided on a small block of granite with something engraved on it in memory of my dad and when I spread his ashes in the Gulf, I will place the stone there.

WHEW! guess it wasn't too short huh? lol
I went through a similar thing with my daughter, 2 years later it all fell apart for her. She grew up alot from the experiance but it cost her 2 years of her life.
Any way, go to Fla. and have a little fun. and maybe find a few good fosils or bottles or maybe some gold.

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