precluded me from diving around it... which left the vast wasteland of sand, sand and more sand. Well the bazillions of sand dollars love it! No current to speak of vis was at least 25/30 feet. Got to see a few spider crabs and a beautiful unidentified crab (looked like coral and its legs were very flat and looked like they would blend well too. 30ft/48 minutes... I surfaced with 2100 and my student had 500. We did have a nice and long surface swim to get back to shore... which was a very easy entrance/exit.
Did a snorkle dive in the "mud hole" or tidal pool right by the bridge and that was cool Vis was no more than ten feet and I happened onto a HUGE snook and a ton of sheepshead. Orange coral and lots of feather dusters... more spider crabs, sand crabs, rock crabs with a few blues to boot. Mullet, salor's choice, zebras, and more made it far more productive than the acres and acres of sand north of the jetty.