Anti-venom, anti-sting for stingers

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I've heard and seen that if divers suspect they're carrying stingers then they'll rinse themselves,and gear off with vinegar as soon as possible to avoid the chances of being stung out of the water.

There was a documentary about tiny box jellyfish in Australia. Both researchers were stung while looking at/for the little critters: one on his face, just below the mask; the lady was stung on her arm/hand after removing a glove. Unfortunately they spent quite a while in hospital to get over the stings, as there is currently no anti-venom for it...the silly thing was - despite preaching the advantages of precautions - they only rinsed with vinegar after the stings..

I watched the same show also, but did they not also talk about a cream or something like that that inhibits the stingers from firing. I am sure they did I just am old now and can not remember :D
i noticed before, quite some time ago, when i was hyperactive to allergens. i quickly get weals with slight pokes and pressure.

however when i take antihistamines my skin would not go into weals.

not in regard to them stingers ... i was wondering if ther could be a similar effect. take something or rub something that if hit by stingers, it would sort of neutralize it. after all its epidermal stings.....

one more thing. normally divers would be in wetsuits. however, even with a hood on, there would be some skin exposed on the face, and this is where them stingers get me.

i do have a mouth/regulator protector last year... guess what i lost it.... hence this year i went diving without them and sure enough i got stung on the upper lip...

so there you go....

How about this...
I can't seem to make a link to this so...

"New sunscreen fends off pesky jellyfish stings
By: Sherry Jacobson / The Dallas Morning News
Issue date: 7/19/04 Section: Life!
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A new kind of sunscreen hitting the U.S. market promises not only to fend off sunburns but also to protect against jellyfish stings.

Researchers at Stanford University Medical School tested the new product, called SafeSea, on two dozen volunteers and found it "relatively effective" in inhibiting jellyfish stings.

"It prevents stings most of the time," said Alexa Kimball, an assistant professor of dermatology who directed the study, funded in part by the manufacturer, Nidaria Technology. It was published in the journal, Wilderness and Environmental Medicine.

Israeli researchers developed the cream after noticing that clownfish - of "Finding Nemo" fame - do not get stung by jellyfish.

They isolated the chemical that seemed to protect the little orange and white fish and incorporated the substance into a sunscreen solution.

"It's not like a barrier that would protect your skin, the way a scuba suit does," Kimball explained. "It's more like the jellyfish detects the chemical on you and it doesn't sting you."

At least, that's what seemed to occur when jellyfish were given a chance to sting the 24 people in her experiment. (Most of the subjects were surfers who had been stung before.)

SafeSea was swabbed on one arm of each volunteer and regular sunscreen on the other arm. Jellyfish tentacles were placed on their arms for up to 60 seconds to see what would happen.

Five of the 24 subjects reported "discomfort" on the arm protected with SafeSea, whereas 22 of them had pain and swelling on the plain sunscreen arm.

That was good news to marine biologist Paul Montagna, a jellyfish expert at the University of Texas' Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas.

Until now, marine experts could only recommend using meat tenderizer to lessen the pain from a jellyfish sting. Jellyfish are most common in the Gulf of Mexico from April through June.

"Our water is so warm that we have a lot of people swimming along the coast year round," said Montagna, a frequent victim of jellyfish stings. "There are lots of opportunities for people to get stung. I don't know this product but hope it works."

SafeSea is available online at and other sites."

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