Formerly known as KatePNAtl
My procedure is below. Very close to Dan_T’s except for slight variations on the pre-dive routine.
New mask: flame to remove coating
Pre-dive: spray with baby shampoo & water mix, leave in sun, dip once to rinse, wear
New mask: flame to remove coating
Pre-dive: spray with baby shampoo & water mix, leave in sun, dip once to rinse, wear
After messing around with all kinds of defogging methods for 14 years, what works for me is flaming the inside lens once when it is a brand new mask (to burn off the silicone mold release agent coating), then apply baby shampoo before diving without rinsing (let the water leak into the mask during entry to flush the excess baby shampoo) and don’t exhale from the nose during the dive (which would introduce steam on the lens, stripping the baby shampoo coating off the lens), get a good habit to exhale though the regulator.