Do they have vandalized coral there as well?
Not any more

What happened was that I was diving with AD in Coral Gardens and one of the group (European BTW) broke off and picked up a small, perfectly round dark brown coral off the bottom. I hadn't seen the species before, it was about the size of a softball.
The DM tried to get the offending diver to replace it (probably too late for the coral anyway) but the diver wanted his souvenir.
Back on the boat, the DM told him very simply "put it back or you never dive with AD again". He wouldn't. Until this point, I thought the fool was lugging a coconut around on the dive and had no idea what had actually happened.
Fast-forward to 7PM in the Point bar, I asked the DM what the procedure was if something like this happens, I thought the guy would walk off and join another outfit for his next dive, a thought which depressed me.
In fact what happens is that all of the reputable shops, which is all of them are alerted unofficially when a diver is banned by any one of them and voluntarly, they refuse to take him on. It's very much a trust thing, but according to the DB, it does work. You might be able to find a freelancer, but that's not easy in PG unless you've got the connections.
Many of the DMs - foreigners included - have lived there for years and appreciate the place for what it is; great diving and their own livelihood. They will go a long way to defend it.
Edit - the diver was a package customer with Asiadivers and El Galleon and they lost more than the value of a couple of dives by banning him. I believe he never even paid his existing bill or was asked to.
I spoke to the manager about it and how they ought at least not to be out of pocket. His reply, spoken like a true Aussie was "I don't give a **** about the money as long as I never see that **** again."
Wise words don't always need to be polite.