A flurry of remarkable new details. By all indications (healing from recent car wreck, just got a tattoo, and broke a crown) he shouldn't have been diving at all. Many divers have more than one regulator, I'd still want to know if his BC is there.
From GoFundMe
He got a tattoo Tuesday and told them he’d be back Friday to finish. He couldn’t dive right now because he was still healing from a car wreck. He was basically waiting for April to start diving again, he only dived Monday and Tuesday and was only allowed to dive 130ft until he worked his way back in April.
From FB - Jami (supposedly a relative)
His helmet and regulator were found inside his locker and just returned last night to my mom. So he wasn’t diving, but snorkeling might’ve been an option. Nobody saw him in the water, so we are speculating based on where his belongings were found
Yes a bike. His helmet was still in locker where he worked. Everything isn't making sense and lots of questions need to be answered. His mom is there trying to find answers. His text home that day to his brother was saying he had a toothache (crown broke) and was planning on going home and lay down for a bit.