JDog:.......Some fish they have to hand feed just to keep them alive. .....
I think this is an incorrect statement.
In order to display a good variety of fish in an exibit. One must often times keep several speicies in closer proximity to one another than in the wild. Fishes as well as humans have several levels of agression or dominance in their enviroment. Therefore if you were to just chuck a bucket of food in your exibit, only the most aggresive fishes would eat, that is why you must "target" feed some species at the aquarium. You could learn a lot more about how these Aquariums work by visiting, in your case the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific. There are hundreds of unpaid volunteers working there that would be happy to answer any of your questions.
Actually you did agree to my statement. You just confirmed ONE reason why the target feed.