Another DIY Tank Tumbling thread with costs and video

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Ty Hamby

Have air will travel.
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I just completed my own DIY tank tumbling build. I thought I would share with others for inspiration. Below is the build list. Some of the items I had laying around my garage and are not included.
Part 1
Part 2
Build list:
1) Motor and Gearbox $137
10) Idler wheels 2" $25
6) Idler pillow blocks 8mm $10
4) 4040 T-slot extrusion 59" $160
1) LoveJoy $22
1) Misc Connectors $25
4) Leveling Feet $21
1) Package of T Plates $50
1) 36" x 5/8 Round bar $22
2) Pillow Block 5/8 $15
1) Package of corner brackets $50
1) Package of End Caps $9
20) 8mm shaft collars $18
2) Rubber Roller $50
1) Strip of Aluminum 6.5" x 60" purchased locally $40
2) 5/16 round bar from Ace Hardware $30
misc bolts and nuts $50 (Im guessing if I had to go buy them.)

Total $597
I am not a tank expert but I saw this very informative video yesterday where the expert recommends not rolling it but hitting it with a rubber mallet ($20?) - the ultrasonic waves generated do a better job than rolling he says. Plenty of other gems in there if you care to listen to the whole interview:

Just sharing FYI, not debating with anyone as the topic is outside my area of expertise.

The video is about using ultrasonic waves to blend the gas. The op is talking about rust removal and tank cleaning.
The video is about using ultrasonic waves to blend the gas. The op is talking about rust removal and tank cleaning.
You are exactly right. As you know, I am removing rust spots from within the cylinders. Boat fills, life on the ocean and poor handling by the previous owner has left these tanks with minor rust spots. Fun project. Probably not for the weekend diver to bother with.
Far out, and here I thought holding the cylinder in my arms and rolling down a hill was high tech
Wow, thanks for the parts list. I have been avoiding making my own tumbler due to uncertainty in what kind of motor I would need and just plain laziness in not researching it well enough.

Where do you plan to get your tumbler media from? I have always heard global is a good source, but shipping has got to be a pain with that kind of weight.
First modification.
Copper pipe 1/2" worked well as a bushing between the 5/8 roller and 5/8 shaft
Wow, thanks for the parts list. I have been avoiding making my own tumbler due to uncertainty in what kind of motor I would need and just plain laziness in not researching it well enough.

Where do you plan to get your tumbler media from? I have always heard global is a good source, but shipping has got to be a pain with that kind of weight.
I just used a motor from a free Craigslist treadmill. Used speed controller as well.
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