For divers, this means heading for the surface even if it was not your planned egress point. Surface swim from there.
Generally, I agree with this advice especially if you might run out of air. But, when surface conditions are bad it's best to stay underwater while swimming to the down line. In the description of the accident in post #1 it was mentioned there were five foot swells and high winds. In those conditions you are going to have some waves breaking over the top of you and you're not going to get far doing a surface swim. You are going to be exhausted trying to reach the boat if you ever do. If you get to the boat you will have to deal with a stern that's pitching up to five feet. Yeah, good luck trying to time the ladder to get on the boat. I got hurt when I slipped off a ladder in three foot swells. Fortunately, I didn't break my leg. I was able to climb back up the ladder and get on the boat.