The big difference is the internet. We now hear news from all over the world where "yesterday" we only heard that news from around the corner.
Well, and that's just it - but it's not really the internet, as much as mass media in general. With news channels running 24 hours/day, they have to find SOMETHING to fill that time. That's why we hear about every murder, child abduction, death, tragedy, toe stubbing, broken nail, bad hair day and otherwise - that simply IS NOT national, let alone world-wide worthy news. So some kid in (insert some town far away from you here) is missing, killed, eating an ice cream - or whatever. Who the hell cares? It's news in the local area. It's not news 10,000 miles away...or even 1000 miles away. This "problem" is exacerbated when it comes to "celebrity" news - and people the media turn into celebrities. I mean, christ, the news still brings up the Jon Benet Ramsey case after 12 years for crying out loud. She is a NOBODY! Her PARENTS are nobodies. This never should have made anything but local news, let alone be talked about 12 years later. I shouldn't even BE AWARE of this case - but thanks to the mass media, here I am talking about it 12 years later.
Don't get me wrong, its a tragedy for THOSE INVOLVED - but you can rest assured that if it were some ugly little black girl from the Bronx that was found dead in her parents' basement, the national media wouldn't have given it a second look.
Ok..rant over. I agree with ScubaSteve001.