Another Certified Diver

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Princeton, WV
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that today, at 2:45 PM, I surfaced from my final certification dive. Everything went well, other than the fact that it was freezing, but the excitement kept me from feeling anything other than a burning desire to go someplace and do some real diving - SOON.

Thanks to you all for your pointers and advice when I was going through that mask clearing ordeal. This went fairly uneventfully, other than the fact that I got my mask on the outside of my hood and I would blow, and blow, and blow and nothing happened. A minor adjustment and a couple more snorts and it was clear.

So, who wants to go diving???

Congradulations and welcome to our world. Stay wet. Stay safe and have fun.

I am sure that you have already picked this up from reading this forum but I wanted to reminded you that OW is just the beginning a lifetime of learning and diving.

Welcome to the club hope to see you on the bottom!

:bunny: KC_Scubabunny :bunny:
Bravo -- a job well done!

Go diving sure -- er you will send the ticket won't you? hehehe
Congrats Dude!!

How many times have you looked at your temp C-card? Now go get a dive flag license plate to put on your car!
Nice job Billy,
Nice time of year to be getting your c-card too. The water temp will be going up!

Dive safe, Don't spend all your $ on gear (it's really tough not to sometimes) :wink:
Congratulations wvrotorhead on your recent cert. Dive well, dive often, take more classes, dive some more. Oh yah have fun doing it and remember all diving is real diving, don’t let the cold water stop you.

heheheheh, thanks guys/gals. I'm gonna get a couple of real dives in and hit the advanced class. So long as the wife doesn't get fed up with all my hobbies, I'm gonna push 'em for all they're worth:wink:

NetDoc - Florida sounds really nice after the ol' Quarry!

DivingGal - Ticket? Heck no, I'll come and get you! hehehe

Later guys,


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