My hubby was in the PX yesterday looking for scuba diving mag and he was talking to himself.(yeah, let that go, it's too easy), about zone 6 not carrying dive mags while zone 1 has tons.... A perfect stranger decided to tell him that scuba diving was way too dangerous, sharks attacked all the time, and then how sharks were so dangerous they should all be killed for safety....
The crazy part is that some people actually stopped and agreed with this nimrod. My hubby had to stop him and say," No, sharks good- people bad. Sharks don't eat divers, sharks eat seals, surfers look like seals... not divers. We Should get rid off all the ones screwing up the environment and killing everything they can get near-- oh yeah, that's Us, not sharks!"
It is truly amazing how many people are misinformed, misguided, or just plain stupid. Often all three at once. Talk about task loading....