AngieD and galscuba at Blue Hole--or how we burned Santa Rosa down!

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Enid, Oklahoma
New dive buddies and slightly longer pool game, have a couple of beers and gab buddies--we got in the car and headed west to Santa Rosa New Mexico. It's an easy 6 hour drive--and if you happen to stop at the Shamrock Irish Inn and head to the Blarney Stone bar, just tell Colby we sent you...they like us there...

Woke up in the morning, 38 degree air temp at 8:30. We decide that coffee and CNN were almost as fun and waited until the afternoon to head to the hole. We find a parking place somewhere in the back 40, go get tanks, and walk them back to the car. We noticed at this time that the blue hole was not really had a solid layer of black neoprene with shiny aluminum tanks covering the entire surface. We gear up at the car, hike to the hole and pick our way down the stairs to the concrete "briefing platform"...

I have to say that this is one of the nicest entries I've ever seen. But, be prepared to be kicked, to dodge spinning tanks and to be pummelled by rabid groups of newly certified OW's that haven't quite figured out the trick of situational awareness when wrapped in neoprene and carrying 60 lbs of gear on their backs...

We had a couple of problems ourselves with weighting issues and rings that we forgot to take off...(it happens...) so by the time we descended, we were comfortable with the temp and the crowded we go to the first little ledge and a horizonal swimming descent to bypass the platform and go straight for the line to the bottom. The crawdads were huge. Didn't see a lot of fish...just two...saw the Joe Cool tombstone and the grate, but missed the golf ball gallery. The bottom of the hole was clear of the neoprene bloom that had infiltrated the surface. We just had fun exploring and breathing compressed air. The cold finally did get to us. We ascended the line, did our safety stop and then swam straight to the stairs and out. We stopped at one. It was just too crowded and too chilly to think about doing another one. We did meet a couple of really neat folks in the parking lot from Lubbock. Hopefully we'll get to dive with them in the near future.

Planning on going back over Memorial Day. If anyone is heading out that way, let us know! We'll say hi and show you the best place to go dancing in Santa Rosa, NM!

A grand time was had by all...and we will do it again!

So when are you going to make it back to Texas and visit CSSP with us?
We're talking about doing that next month! I haven't been there yet and it is on our list of dive to do! We'll let you know when we head that way!

We're talking about doing that next month! I haven't been there yet and it is on our list of dive to do! We'll let you know when we head that way!


Cool. Post it in the Texas Swamp Divers Forum and I can almost promise you will find several people to meet you there and show you a good time. There are several motels in the area, or it's only about 30 minutes from Mesquite/Garland if you want to stay there and have more eateries to choose from. Let us know, and hope to see you there.
So when are you going to make it back to Texas and visit CSSP with us?
Thats on my list of places I want to go this year but it will be much later in the summer before I have time. Other dives first.
OK, AngieDinOKC, you are a great new dive buddy! You told scubaboard viewers our trip exactly as it was, but you left out the part about almost getting side-swiped by the eighteen-wheeler and you really shaking your booty on the dancefloor in that little bar in Santa Rosa!!! Seriously, it was an excellent weekend dive trip. Our first dive together and we hit 82 feet with no problems! I think we would have even gone deeper if Blue Hole would have allowed!

To you Lubbock guys: You got us all psyched up about diving local spots! We are so there whenever you give us the word! We'll bring the beer if you bring the tanks!

As Angie said, we are more than likely heading back out to Blue Hole May 28th - 30th! Give us a holler if you want to meet up, drink some brewskies, and exchange some dive stories.

And, finally, one word of advice, wear a 7 mil in Blue Hole!!! Instead of having the motto "Constant 64 degrees year round", it should be, "Constant cold year round"!! The Blarney Stone Bar in Shamrock, TX rocks!
Hey there! What's going on this weekend (Memorial Day) in the Texas diving arena? I want to go dive, but cannot find a buddy to go with me this weekend (everyone's into the family thing). Grin! Anyone doing any diving in Oklahoma/Texas, and need a buddy?

sounds like you had a wonderful time on your trip. It also sounds like you left a few blanks in the story.. It isn't because you got narced is it?

Nah, no narcing was COLD though--and some of the details are ugly. GS saw me dance...she can tell you that some lack of detail is a good thing...grin!

Well narcing is not a good thing so glad it did not happen. I guess I will have to get the details from GS then since you are so shy. If you ever want to get out of the "muck" into a little cleaner water I would be glad to show you a few private dive spots in our area. It is not as good as open water but it is close and wet.

GS how about those details


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