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I'm another American Mutt. My maternal grandfathers parent came from Germany but he was born here in 1895. My maternal grandmother was English/Scottish. My paternal grandfather was Black Irish, whatever that means, and his father came over from Ireland. My pat. grandmother was Cherokee Indian/Scottish. Most of my paternal cousins are either fair skinned and red headed or dark skinned with black hair, no in betweens except for me. Guess the German/English mixed in to even things out!

We never had an outhouse but I can remember not being picky about using the bushes when outside. I still live in the same place but it was out in the country back then. My grandparents had a ranch and us 3 grandkids used to sleep on the screened in porch in the summer. We had the run of 400 acres as long as we closed the gates in the pastures. I was raised to accepted responsibility for what I did early on so I didn't have alot of rules, just take your punishment if you deserved it. Back then, any adult could disipline you so I minded my P's and Q's whether I was at home or not!
My paternal grandfather was Black Irish, whatever that means

i believe it means a mix of Spanish and Irish? not sure
Dont be so hard on yourself, the picture on your avatar must have been taken in poor lighting ;)

Lest you all be concerned about my "muttishness" I finally put a photo up on my profile. :)
Lest you all be concerned about my "muttishness" I finally put a photo up on my profile. :)
Ok, you and the whole rest of this country may be such a mix of different heritage and have a diverse gene pool that would make a dog pound look like royal blue blood, but chickdiver, you clean up ok! (after you shave all that hair off from all over, clip the claws and put down the antennae of course) ;)

Didnt i read somewhere (singles forum) you were finding it tough to find a man?? With that pic i have no idea how/why you havent.
My paternal grandfather was Black Irish, whatever that means

i believe it means a mix of Spanish and Irish? not sure

This I believe is a order of the Orange lodge. It is in reference to the religious unrest that has been going on in Ireland for so long. If you want more information contact me via PM.
check this one out:

"Black Irish" is often taken to mean Irish people with dark
hair and eyes. One romantic story is that they are the
descendants of shipwrecked sailors of the Spanish Armada.
Unfortunately for the story, it is very unlikely that enough of
the sailors survived for their genes to be in the population
visible today. A variation on this theme says they are
descended from Spanish Moors who traded with people on the
west coast of Ireland. Another explanation is that it's
common in Irish to give people nicknames based on their hair,
such as Seamus dubh and "black Irish" is just a carryover of
this into English. Some people say that the "black Irish"
were the original inhabitants of the island and all the rest
were just blow-ins.

One other interpretation is that "black Irish" refers to the
descendants of Irish slaves taken to the Caribbean island of
Montserrat during Cromwell's time. The descendants of these
slaves and black slaves from Africa live there to this day.
The surprising thing is that they still speak with an Irish
Ok, you and the whole rest of this country may be such a mix of different heritage and have a diverse gene pool that would make a dog pound look like royal blue blood, but chickdiver, you clean up ok! (after you shave all that hair off from all over, clip the claws and put down the antennae of course) ;)

Didnt i read somewhere (singles forum) you were finding it tough to find a man?? With that pic i have no idea how/why you havent.

ROFL- thank you, kind sir. Fortunately I am (very) spoken for! :)
When I was a little kid in grade school some kids where talking about what nationality they were. They asked me and I didn't know. So when I got home I asked my Father.
He said, "You just tell them that you are an American." Well I grew up and married an American and we had 4 American kids. So I guess that makes me a USAer.

My Dad did say one time to the same question, "We are Hienzers---57 varieties."

AUNT Mary (not pronounced ant Mary) said that we were related to Sir Walter Raliegh. She could never convince my father of that.
What I know of my Ancestors is scarce. My Dad told me My Great Grandfather is from Scotland. My Great Grandmother moved to Scotland from what was then Czechoslovakia when she was young. They met in Scotland and moved to Chicago (Where they lived until they passed). My granny was born in Chicago where she met my Grandpa. He was born of Irish Immirgrants. My Mother has done a little bit of research and found out her Great Granmother was a Cherokee (sp) Indian Who married an Irish man. They had a farm and a whole mess of kids. According to my Mother, the children mainly married other Irish (seemed to be a large dwelling of Irish in that part of GA at the time.) Eventually my grantmother married my grandfather, another son of Irish immigrnats named Crosby (my mom's maiden name.) My mom and Dad met in Jacksonville, FL where they both grew up. The rest as they say is History. I guess my wife would be considered "Black Irish". her maidne name is Harris and she had DARK chestnut colored hair and brown eyes. Our youngest Daughter has very fair skin and red hair, she can't deny the Irish in her. ;)
Some good interesting stories and background.

I am another American mutt, (with Red-neck thrown in). Dad is from Kentucky. Had a name change (lost a letter) back in the late 1700's to early 1800's, going from LoveAll to Lovell. Know there is english, irish and scot in there. Dad's mom was from Canada, they met and married in Chicago, where he used to be a conductor on the "L" (eLevated train). My paternal grandfather (dad's side) was a preacher and his dad and grand father were also. One of them, don't know which one) was a Methodist Circuit Rider (traveling preacher on horse back that pastored a number of churchs and traveled between them each Sunday)

Mom's side also from Kentucky (maybe not as long as Dad's!) and there is lot's of German in that line up. Had a great-great aunt that spoke only german. Got a cousin on her side who's name is Bunker Hill!!!

So I guess that all makes me 1/4 Canadian, 1/8 German, the rest Mess!!


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