I'm another American Mutt. My maternal grandfathers parent came from Germany but he was born here in 1895. My maternal grandmother was English/Scottish. My paternal grandfather was Black Irish, whatever that means, and his father came over from Ireland. My pat. grandmother was Cherokee Indian/Scottish. Most of my paternal cousins are either fair skinned and red headed or dark skinned with black hair, no in betweens except for me. Guess the German/English mixed in to even things out!
We never had an outhouse but I can remember not being picky about using the bushes when outside. I still live in the same place but it was out in the country back then. My grandparents had a ranch and us 3 grandkids used to sleep on the screened in porch in the summer. We had the run of 400 acres as long as we closed the gates in the pastures. I was raised to accepted responsibility for what I did early on so I didn't have alot of rules, just take your punishment if you deserved it. Back then, any adult could disipline you so I minded my P's and Q's whether I was at home or not!
We never had an outhouse but I can remember not being picky about using the bushes when outside. I still live in the same place but it was out in the country back then. My grandparents had a ranch and us 3 grandkids used to sleep on the screened in porch in the summer. We had the run of 400 acres as long as we closed the gates in the pastures. I was raised to accepted responsibility for what I did early on so I didn't have alot of rules, just take your punishment if you deserved it. Back then, any adult could disipline you so I minded my P's and Q's whether I was at home or not!