anatomy of a shark bite?

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it pissed me off. it was very over hyped. what's worse is how they used a hollyood animatronics guy as the "shark expert." instead of using a behavioralist specializing in sharks. not once did I hear anything about their intelligence, just about their power and how they can f*&% up a person. it was simply Jaws made into a documentary.
If it was an episode of Monster Garage that would be fine. But to try to make it out as a "research" is pure B.S.!
Jersey once bubbled...

Exactly what I said watching it - a 10 second bite, becomes a 2 hours show that demonstrates 1:sharks swim really fast, 2:they exert a lot of pressure when they bite, 3: they eat stuff that happens to be in the water. Did we learn anything new here??

Standing in waist deep water and offering up food seems to me to be a clear invitation to be bitten.

And yes Crab, I too thought of the great expense incurred fabricating mechanical models & wished they would throw some of it my way!

OK -so who is going to produce the special on finning live sharks?

On a brighter note, the Big Blue Planet series on Discover channel did a couple hours yesterday on the deep sea trenches & the interesting life forms found around the vents. Anyone catch that?

Yes, outstanding show. Never new the trenches existed. Very very cool show. These shows prove there are more life forms undiscovered on this planet than discovered. I will watch it again.

Way to go Discovery Channel..........
Thanks for the link Mark. I have just sent my comments along.

5615mike once bubbled...
The mechanical devices they mfg'd don't even approach what a real shark bite is like other than they attempted to repeat the bite pressure.

I agree, on a shark (or a person) the lower can move with respect to the upper jaw allowing a sawing motion that is much more effective than what they achieved with simple bite pressure on a fixed set of jaws.

The flashy lights framing the mechanical sharks mouths were also just a bit too much.
OK - can someone explain how Shark Week meets Monster Garage makes for good TV? Last nights episode had the Monster Garage crew fashion a 'shark boat' out of pontoons, stainless diamond deck plates, lots of lights & a kick a** sound system. Research? I think not.... (Just saw the last 5 minutes when I got home)

Kiltnc - well you spoke too soon. They can now make MG a research show!

Next stop - feedback to the channel to air disappointment. I would have preferred to watch 25 yr old footage of Mr. Cousteau & Co interspersed with up to date commentary.
OK - can someone explain how Shark Week meets Monster Garage makes for good TV? Last nights episode had the Monster Garage crew fashion a 'shark boat' out of pontoons, stainless diamond deck plates, lots of lights & a kick a** sound system. Research? I think not.... (Just saw the last 5 minutes when I got home)

I agree.. and American Chopper following. It was very anticlimatic in comparison to Sundays kick off of Shark Week.
I also sent them a complaint about the program. Thanks k4sdi for providing the link to give the feedback to Discovery.

Dr. Bill

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