Yes, Boyle's law cannot be changed. However, one cannot say that the capillary is less accurate at great depths. It's just that with a small length it is difficult to read minor changes in depth. Then just lengthen the capillary 10-20 times and the ease of reading will also increase. At the same time, the same unsurpassed accuracy and reliability is maintained.they are going to all be as inaccurate across the board. Personally, I would want the non-linear gauges. Despite depth being linear, pressure isn't, and pressure is what matters. It also gets more accurate when you get shallower which is what you want because if you are +10ft at 100ft depth, it is pretty irrelevant compare to that same depth swing when shallow.
They are all basically made by one or two manufacturers, so find the cheapest one you can and you aren't going to notice a difference. If you want to know your actual depth, look at your computer
How to lengthen? Read my post
Capillary Depth Gauge - anachronism or reference...
Imagine a situation: Your main computer and spare computer (or computer your's partner) show different depth readings. Which one is wrong? How do you know if your depth gauge has started to deceive you? But first, a little introduction. a few words about myself. Old diver - studied at the...