Robert and John, it could very well be me. But you tell me if this is the proper way to act to a paying customer and I'm no princess(please refrain from princess jokes).
I was on a weekday trip that had food included in the price. I made a mistake and forgot to sign up what type of food I wanted, my bad. I went to Ted and told him thinking that it wasn't a big deal. His response was "Then you don't get to eat." Which to me was incredibly rude and uncalled for. I told him that was BS and I paid for the food. I guess their tri-tip is meadured down to the gram per customer with the psychic ability to determine what everyone is going to sign up for when they buy the meat. Eventually I got a plate but shouldn't have had to deal with such an attitude, it really kinda ruined the trip.
FThe next time out, our 4th dive was literally in 20ft of water and nothing but sand. It was a total POS dive and he knew it, what a way to top off a day of 3 crappy dives at the same boring spots. Someone you guys know(fellow reef checker) will can verify. Needless to say we were both pretty pissed.
The last and final time I went on the boat (only boat available) was with friends visiting from San Diego. I wasn't aware that glass bottles weren't allowed on the boat, I had a cooler with some Negro Modelo and Guiness

. My friends woke me up and told me they're complaining about the cooler so I proceeded to remove the cooler and put it in my car. While doing that I was getting dirty looks from the crew and they threatened to leave me behind. They even shouted at me as I was walking the dock back to the boat. Plus, our 4th dive was in the same crappy spot as the third. I hardly call that making an effort.
With Ted it's the same dives every time, Goldfish Bowl(worst dive on anacapa), Underwater Island, and Cathedral Cove. If you have pelican cases you hear the crew grumbling about them and they totally ignore you the 1st half of the trip. Conveniently after the 3rd and 4th dive, closer to tip time, they all of the sudden seem to light up a little bit. I've witnessed this and heard it from many.
John you're a great guy and a great diver, I've got nothing but respect for you(afdter all you are my elder

). I'm sure you'll bring this crew up a massive notch and they're lucky to have you.
I've had bad experiences on the boat and so have many others, I'm sure there's just as many divers that have had a great time on the boat as well. The Spectre is special because it's the only boat that I've noticed where people either love it or hate it. You know this is nothing personal as all of my experiences pertain to Spectre pre-JM and I'm sure things are different now that you're there.
Isn't the internet great!