Think about this, how prepared are you to deal with every possible situation that could arise outside of the structured environment of a class.
I certainly wouldn't want to be taught by an instructor that had no diving experience outside of the dives required to pass each course.
REAL WORLD experience, in addition to sound instruction, is what makes a solid diver. Real world experience is what make any good instructor an even better instructor.
Those of you thinking of going the instructor route, take your time. Think about why you want to be an instructor. Make sure it is for the right reasons and then take your time getting there. Don't take shortcuts and don't rush things.
Think about this, how prepared are you to deal with every possible situation that could arise outside of the structured environment of a class.
I certainly wouldn't want to be taught by an instructor that had no diving experience outside of the dives required to pass each course.
REAL WORLD experience, in addition to sound instruction, is what makes a solid diver. Real world experience is what make any good instructor an even better instructor.
Those of you thinking of going the instructor route, take your time. Think about why you want to be an instructor. Make sure it is for the right reasons and then take your time getting there. Don't take shortcuts and don't rush things.