Ambergris - decisions, town? Out of town?

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Dallas, TX
# of dives
200 - 499
Belize has been on our list for quite some time but AA flights from Dallas have always been pretty expensive and flights for low miles haven't been available. So just on chance while looking for a "quick dive trip", I found great itens with direct flights from DFW at great times for April. So I'm in the midst of booking our trip but am trying to decide between a more secluded resort experience (like Tranquility or even Captain Morgan's) versus staying in San Pedro within walking distance to more nightlife. We're always on the move and active, but I'm concerned that we might get bored at a more relaxing place. We're not "in the room reading a book by 8pm" types, but we're also not into partying until 2am (not without a lot of pain the next day, that is!). And I guess I should ask if San Pedro is an "until 2am" kind of place...because not sure I want to deal with that temptation to stay out too late, either (not me necessarily, but my husband is known to not want to go home if the bar is still open sometimes).

Diving is of course first on the list, but we decided on Ambergris for this first trip because we're more in the mood for shorter boat rides and a more "plug and play" experience. And this isn't our big vacation of the year, just 5 we didn't look at Turneffe for this trip with it's longer stay requirement and much higher price tag.

First of all, looking at the Belizean Reef Suites for the San Pedro option. Or Paradise Villas. Have found what look to be suitable options at both. We are rarely in our room, so just looking for something clean, quiet, and comfortable. And a PBJ sandwich is our favorite pre-dive breakfast, so having a small kitchen or kitchenette is always appreciated.

So I guess I'd appreciate opinions/experiences about one versus the our introduction to Belize. I'm pretty sure we could have a great vacation either way...just trying to turn the tide one way or the other to make the reservations! I've been doing a lot of reading on the board about dive ops and places not to stay...but would appreciate opinions from those who know the lay of the land. Thanks in advance.
Four friends and I went to Ambergris Caye two or three years ago. We didn't stay smack in the middle of town, but were about a 1/2 mile to 1 mile walk from the center of town, and for our needs it was perfect. We aren't stay-out-until-2-a.m. people either, but don't go to bed at 8:00. We would typically walk into town around 6:00 or so for dinner and a couple drinks. Lobsterfest was going on when we were there too, so it was fun to hang out in the square. The meals at the different restaurants in town were great, and it was nice to get a glimpse of nightlife without being out all night. We'd bump into our DM's or other people from our boat a couple times, which was kind of fun. We probably came back to the hotel around 10 or so most nights, although a couple of us made it out to midnight or so one night when we happened upon a band playing at a beach bar. One of the bars in town hosts a weekly "chicken drop." There's a little platform about 8 feet by 8 feet with a grid of numbers. You buy tickets that give you dibs on a certain number, and if the chicken poops on your number you win the jackpot. It was a riot, and was fun to witness the local kids get so excited by it too.

Those were the highlights for me of being within walking distance to town, and if I were to go back I would stay in a similar place. Hope that helps a bit. I'm sure you will have a fabulous time no matter what you decide!
Each time I've gone to Ambergris I've stayed at the north end of San Pedro. It's pretty quiet but convenient. The Blue Tang Inn and Paradise Villas are great places. You are a short walk to the "core" of the town. There are two markets close by. There are many restaurants within walking distance and several dive shops are near by. You can rent a golf cart if you want to explore but you won't need one for your whole week

... So I'm in the midst of booking our trip but am trying to decide between a more secluded resort experience (like Tranquility or even Captain Morgan's) versus staying in San Pedro within walking distance to more nightlife. ...
Thanks for the input. I think we'll definitely stay closer to town for this trip.

I've done a "chicken drop" thing here in Dallas before at a fundraiser before - it's fun and we'll definitely have to check that out!

And, AA decided to offer flights using low miles on Saturdays, so we extended our trip to a week! Might as well burn 5 days of vacation instead of 4 if we get to stay 7 nights now instead of 5.
The best hotel in the town area is the Phoenix, which is also the newest. It was voted recently in a survey by Trip Advisor as "the best hotel in the world"! Whatever, it's a lovely place that you should consider if your budget stretches that far. It's just to the north of the central part of town, next to and closer in than Paradise Villas.

Right by the airstrip is Sunbreeze Hotel, also highly regarded (though not in the same league as Phoenix).

Next to Paradise Villas on the far side is Blue Tang, a small "bijou" hotel that is also highly regarded.

I can't think of any other "better" hotels in the town area. Lots further out, of course, both north and south.
The best hotel in the town area is the Phoenix, which is also the newest. It was voted recently in a survey by Trip Advisor as "the best hotel in the world"! Whatever, it's a lovely place that you should consider if your budget stretches that far. It's just to the north of the central part of town, next to and closer in than Paradise Villas.

Yeah, the Phoenix looked really nice but this is our "budget" dive trip, that was supposed to be a long weekend which has turned into a week (lol, funny how that happens so easily!). Found a nice oceanfront 1-bedroom condo with good reviews on VBRO that is in town but quiet. We are NEVER in our room or at the resort, so we tend not to spend a lot on a place unless we know that we're going to be stuck there (like very remote places that aren't easy to get around...Ti Kaye in St. Lucia comes to mind).

Otherwise, as long as the place is clean, the bed is comfy and the shower has some water pressure, we're good to go! We'd rather spend extra on nicer dinners, tours, and of course, more diving :)

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