amazing race asia

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Hoy, we may not be physically fit but we can always outsmart the young ones:D

Team Thunderdome? Power team! We're not worthy, we're not worthy!:wave-smil
It's been proven! Ish was really in Yap with Mr. Veitchy... wow, they look sweet and cool together! Bagay sila!

This has been sent by Mr. Mysterious Photoshop... i heard this photo will be featured in a diving mag.
Hey that's a philippine banca! MV was here...a tryst!!! Yup they look cute together...kudos to the papparazzi.

they look sooooooo good together!!! gosh!
It's been proven! Ish was really in Yap with Mr. Veitchy... wow, they look sweet and cool together! Bagay sila!

This has been sent by Mr. Mysterious Photoshop... i heard this photo will be featured in a diving mag.
yeah! my hats off to the paparazzi...


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